February 5, 2007
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Brian Schiess, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the January meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Larry.
Second by Dave D.
Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.
Motion Second by Dave S.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Dave S.
Second by Larry.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds-none
Financial Report
Bill Liebenstein was present for the Legion-Lion Homecoming. He stated that this year’s event will be held on July 27-28th, with the parade on Saturday at 11:00 am. They will once again be having the town floats and the class of 1957 will be honored. Saturday evening will end with fireworks display. Bill is requesting entertainment funds from the Village board.
No decision needs to be made at this time and the board will approach the topic at the next meeting.
The Park District attended the meeting to discuss the Lease for Lion’s Park and Mill Pond. Andy reported that the shelter house at Lion’s Park is an issue that needs to be addressed. The Park District is willing to mow and maintain the grounds but do not want the liability of the shelter house. They feel it is not feasible to invest money in the shelter house when it is not being used. The board reported that an option for the Lion’s would be the shelter house at Mill Pond or build a new shelter at the Memorial Park. The Park District stated they will not sign a lease with the shelter house or bathrooms on the grounds since both need extensive repair. The Village owns the land, but the Lion’s Club built the shelter house. The Village does not carry insurance on the Parks since the parks are leased to the Park District. The board requested other options for the land use.
No decision could be made since the Lion’s Club members did not show for the meeting.
The Park District is requesting help for the goose problem at Mill Pond.
It was noted that the Village has a permit to shoot during the legal season, but we are working on a nuisance permit for year round use.
The Park District noted the dock needs to be repaired and they suggested dressing up the pond with rock/stone on exposed banks. Andy will make phone calls regarding the goose population and what others are doing to thin the flocks.
Steve would like to see a Mill Pond Management team with members from both the Park District and Village Board to address other needed improvements.
The Park District would like a new lease with recommendations and suggestions to be included in the lease. The Park Board will give Pres. Knoup these recommendations after their next meeting.
Maintenance Report
See attached report
Streets & Alleys
Brian has received the preliminary outline for the street maintenance program for the hot mix streets. The streets have been mapped, with an estimated cost of $56,722.00. We do not have any estimates on Main street curb and gutter or the sidewalk plan for the Summit St. subdivision.
It was noted that there is a new program available for grant money that our Summit St. sidewalk project may be eligible for. Will have Fehr & Graham apply for the grant.
A motion was made by Brian to pay the entire bill from Loberg for the storm sewer repair, with the breakdown of billing sent to Verizon for compensation since they ran their optic lines through the system and caused the damage. Motion second by Todd. Motion carried.
There are two trees which need to be looked at for removal. (Summit & Devore and Summit St. by John Hawes)
The Park District water main is on hold until better weather. Fisher’s will be doing the work with Rob.
No report
A motion was made by Todd to hold the Annual Clean Up day. Motion second by Brian. Motion carried. Todd will coordinate with Gill’s for a May date to hold the event.
Adam Tillis has sent a letter wishing to be retained as the summer maintenance help for the summer.
A motion was made by Larry to accept Adam for another year of summer help. Motion second by Todd. Motion carried.
No report
The Legion will be holding a Valentine’s dance on February 10th. It was suggested that we use this event to pilot a program where the Legion will get a one day license from the State under Yellow Creek Inn liquor License and Yellow Creek will cater the event.
A motion was made by Dave D to accept Yellow Creek Inn catering license to furnish and serve liquor, one day only, at the Legion Valentine Dance on February 10th. Motion second by Larry. Motion carried.
Old Business
The phase I study of the old gas station is complete and we are now working on phase II, which is the removal of the tanks. The EPA is to make a decision in several weeks if we qualify for money for the cleanup and removal. The board has decided to wait until we get the EPA results before finalizing the sale to Jim Henry.
New Business
Motion to adjourn at 8:30 pm by Larry.
Second by Todd.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk