November 2, 2015
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Will Backus, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim. Second by Bob. Motion Carried.
The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with additions and corrections. Second by Jim. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Mat.
Second by Jim. Motion carried.
Transfer of funds – Motion was made by Mat to transfer $10,000 from Sales to General if needed. Motion second by Will. Motion carried.
Financial Report
Mat reminded the board members that Rob’s review is due in December. Board members are to contact Mat with comments.
The Tax Levy will be ready for the December meeting.
Mat made a motion to increase the police wage for both Duane and Mitch from $15/hr to $16/hr, effective with the October hours. Remaining new officers will stay at $15/hr. Motion second by Larry. Motion carried.
Maintenance Report
Rob is still receiving complaints of discolored water. Rob is to work with the committee to find a resolution to the problem.
No reports from Fehr-Graham with ongoing projects. The Flood Buy-Out is still on hold due to no State budget being passed.
No Report
Dave noted that he spoke with several area towns regarding a well ordinance. Many of the towns do not have one. He has reworded our current Well Ordinance to include Potable and Non-Potable water. Dave will e-mail the ordinance to the attorney for final legal advice on wording.
It was noted that we need to do some work on well #3. The village will have to either raise the pipe or convert to a submersible pump.
The board has received a copy of the ISO report and we are at a Class 5. It has been suggested that Rob maintain flo-testing documentation on all 70-80 mains within the village.
Discussion was made regarding the sale of one plot versus two plots as stated in the ordinance. Motion was made by Will to allow single-plot sales at the discretion of the Sexton. After a five minute time allowance the motion did not have a second. Motion was not approved. Cemetery plots will remain the same and sold as 2 plot or 4 plot.
No report
Larry reported that we have one new officer working part-time. (Rodney Young)
No Report
Old Business
The State has not passed a budget yet so the Flood Buy-Out project continues to be on hold.
New Business
O’Connor, Brooks-Jon Schubert has filed an extension for the village audit. He noted that it will be complete within the next two weeks.
Rob noted that Geoff will work be done with full time work in two weeks.
The Walking Path project is in committee and Jim noted that the path will be called the PC Memorial Walking Path. Jim will continue to talk with businesses and residents for support of the project.
Rock River Energy will be sending the residents a letter and information packet informing them of the new supplier for the Village Electrical Aggregation. The packet will also include a note-card for any resident that wishes to opt out of the village program.
Motion to adjourn at 8:05 pm by Bob.
Second by Larry.
Motion carried.
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk