December 6, 2010

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Bill Eaton, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

The minutes from the November meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.

Second by Bill.

Motion Carried.

The minutes from the December 1,2010 special meeting were reviewed and accepted with change made to roll call vote to include President Knoup by Dave.  Second by Jim. Motion carried.

 The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented with additional bills added.

Second by Dave.

 Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Bill.

Motion carried.

 Motion was made by Mat to transfer $20,000 from Sales tax account to General account.  Second by Jim.  Motion carried.

 Financial Report

Motion was made by Larry to accept the Tax Levy as presented by the committee.  Motion second by Mat.  Roll call vote as follows: Larry-yes, Dave-yes, Bill-yes, Jim-yes, Mat-yes.  Let the record show 5-yes, 0-no, 1-absent.


The Boy Scouts were in attendance to earn their Citizenship badge.

 Maintenance Report

See attached sheet

Streets & Alleys

 The recent snow has been cleared and Rob reported he would plow the cemetery on Tuesday.


Fehr-Graham will look at the lagoon aeration system that was presented at our November meeting.  They will also put together an estimated price and cost of installation.


 No report


The committee has purchased a new wireless copier which will be kept in the meeting area so that the Fire department will have access to use.


The new software program for the Police has been installed onto the laptop. The program has templates for all reports, log hour activity, logging of evidence, etc. Will need to purchase a vehicle mount for the laptop yet.

Stephenson County will be asking our officers to help cover this area of the county when they are busy in another area since the number of deputies have decreased.

Our officers will monitor times when they are asked to help the county. The officers will stay in this area.  Fred did note that any time they are asked to help the liability is on the County and not the Village.

It was requested that President Knoup look at an agreement with the county regarding our officers covering an area of the county while they are unavailable.


No report

Old Business

With the passing of the flood insurance ordinance, any building after 1989 that is within the flood plain still needs to meet the regulations of the flood ordinance.  Gt Auto was the only building and the engineers checked the floor level of the building.  The level came in 3 foot higher than the required height.

President Knoup reported that he met with the attorney and everything has been completed for the Flood Program.

 New Business

 There will be no change in the January meeting date.

 Motion to adjourn at 7:30 pm by Larry.

Second by Dave.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



January 3, 2011


November 1, 2010