December 2, 2013
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Mat Diehl, Bob Asche, Jim Westaby, Bill Eaton, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson and Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville
The minutes from the November meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.
Second by Dave. Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented, with additions and corrections added. Second by Jim. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.
Second by Bill. Motion carried.
No transfer of fund needed
Financial Report
Tax Levy was presented by Mat. Mat noted that several funds have been decreased due to overfunds. The Sewer upgrade for $950,000 will be added to next year’s Levy. Mat made a motion to accept the levy as presented. Motion second by Jim. Roll call vote as follows: Jim –yes, Mat-yes, Bob-yes, Bill-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes. Let the record show 6-yes, 0-no and 0-absent.
Maintenance Report
Jon Schubert-O’Connor Brooks was present to review the annual audit. Jon noted that monthly bank statements need to be reviewed and initialed. He would like to see account names listed on the bills as to which account it will be paid from. List of bills need to be signed and filed with the paid bills.
Jon suggested that we seek counsel for the elimination of the Band Fund.
Streets & Alleys
No report
Water bill notices will be sent to overdue accounts. Have several accounts that need to be cleaned up. The committee will do a courtesy call to these accounts. Committee questioned putting a lien on the homes that are for sale or repossessed to recoup the outstanding water bills. The Committee will need to make a policy regarding back payments and procedures to recoup the payments.
No report
No repot
No report
Little John’s Tap is requesting extended hours for New Year’s Eve. Motion was made by Jim to allow the extended hours to 1 am with breakfast served after that time. Motion second by Bill. Motion carried.
Old Business
IEMA has approved the Buy-out plan and the plan was then sent to FEMA. FEMA is requesting additional information. This request of information has been sent by Fehr-Graham.
New Business
Steve Cassill from the Beloved Church is looking to be more active in the community. He would like to be a coordinator in the event of a disaster. After discussion it was noted that he needs to get together with the other churches and coordinate a plan of action that is representative of all the churches.
President Knoup noted that the Girl Scouts will be selling cookies from January 1st thru the 22nd.
Executive session requested at 8:10 for Rob’s review.
Out of executive session at 8:15
Motion was made by Mat to give Rob a 2% raise this year. Motion second by Bob. Roll Call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Jim-yes, Bill-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes. Let the record show 6-yes, 9-no, 0-absent.
Motion to adjourn at 8:20 pm by Bill
Second by Larry.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk