December 1, 2003

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Brian Schiess, Larry Johnson, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

 The minutes from the November meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Larry.

Second by Jim.

Motion Carried.

 The committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.

Motion Second by Jim.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Jim.

Second by Dave S.

Motion carried.

 Transfer of funds-none needed

  Financial Report

 The tax levy for 2003-2004 fiscal year was presented and reviewed for approval.  The committee made a motion to accept the tax levy as presented by the committee for the fiscal year 2003-2004.  Motion was second by Jim.  Roll call vote as follows. Todd-aye, Dave-aye, Jim-aye, Brian-aye, Dave D. -aye, Larry-aye.  Let the record show 6-aye and 0-nay.

The committee has been working on a TIF loan program for the businesses. Dave presented the board with the first reading of TIF proposals concerning different options the board could use. Will make changes at the January meeting.


 Maintenance Report

See attached report

Discussion was made regarding the boil order on November 26ht. One sample came back questionable.  The boil order was used as a precaution only.

Every sample since then has been negative of bacteria.  The one questionable sample had one colony of bacteria. (Not E-Coli)

Rob stated that many wells test with eight or more colonies.

The biggest problem was the notification of residents of the boil order.  It was on the radios, posted in the businesses and on LWTV. Rob suggested that if it ever happens again, he would post a barricade with a notice, the same as he does when he flushes hydrants.

He did state that all testing is done by the EPA and each sample takes 22 hours to perform.

 Streets & Alleys

The final bill for Devore ST. is here and has been approved by Fehr & Graham for payment.  The committee made the motion to pay the final bill for the Devore St. curb and gutter.  Motion was second by Dave D. Motion carried.  Jamie will check with Fehr & Graham for the final figure.

The drop box on East South St. seems to be sealed since Brian used the sacrete in it. Brian will check it periodically.

The snow removal equipment is ready for use.


We are waiting for the permits for the rock filter project. Once the permits are here the bid letting will be done in February.


New flags have been ordered.

 Buildings & Grounds

 No report.


Discussion regarding the break-in of several vehicles in town. We do have officers who work at all hours of the night, so there is no routine to the shifts that the officers work.


Yellow Creek Inn is requesting longer hours of service for New Year’s Eve.

They are requesting last call at 2 am and out by 2:30 am.  The owner is willing to go with the decision the board makes.  Todd made the motion to extend the hours of service to last call at 1:30 and out at 2:oo am.  Motion second by Larry.  Motion carried.

Yellow Creek Inn is also requesting earlier service for the Bear/Packer party on Sunday.  He wishes to serve alcohol at 10 am when they begin cooking turkeys.

After discussion it was determined that all request will need to be made in person, by the owner and in attendance of the monthly board meeting.

Roll call vote was taken for approval of the 10:00 am serving of alcohol on Sunday December 7th only, for the Bear/Packer party at Yellow Creek Inn.

Larry – no, Dave D. – yes, Jim – no, Brian – yes, Dave S. – no, Todd – no.

Let the record show 4-no and 2- yes.  Yellow Creek Inn will not be allowed to serve alcohol before noon.

 Old Business

There will be a meeting of the Yellow Creek Watershed program on Thursday, December 4th at the Legion Home.

 There have been three large log jams removed from the creek by Van Horn.  He was hired by the local farmers to help haul out the logs.

 New Business

 Rob’s evaluation needs to be done.  President Knoup requested each committee to turn in an evaluation.  The Liquor license fee structure will be looked at before the April meeting.

 Motion to adjourn at 8:05 pm by Larry.  Second by Todd.

Motion carried.


Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



October 4, 2004


November 3, 2003