August 5, 2013
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Bill Eaton, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson and Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville
The minutes from the July meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.
Second by Bill. Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented, with additions and corrections added. Second by Jim. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.
Second by Bill. Motion carried.
No transfer of fund needed
Financial Report
Zach Shippy was present to give an update on his Eagle Scout project. He had met with President Knoup and mapped out the location for the Welcome Stone which will be located on the South side of Pearl City Rd. Zach noted that the cement slab for the stone will be donated. And that the stone will be set to with rods to avoid it falling. The board members encouraged him to inscribe his name and date on the cement pad.
Maintenance Report
See attached report
Rob will get the phone system up and running.
Streets & Alleys
Bid letting was done for the street maintenance, which includes Walgren Rd. and two alleys. Fehr-Graham estimated the work at $55,959.00. We had two bids: Martin-$52,543 and Civil-$69,532. Motion was made by Jim to accept the low bid from Martin at $52,543.00. Motion second by Larry. Motion carried. Since we have approval for $60,000.00 from Motor Fuel, Jim will be allowed to add on any other work that he feels is necessary to bring our total to $60, 00.00. Board members noted that there is patchwork to be done around town and that Jim should look at the alley from First St. to Summit St.
The committee has had no progress with Dinderman getting the well up and running. The committee feels we need to get a recommendation from the EPA or seek legal counsel on the matter. Motion was made by Larry to seek legal advice on the well issue. Motion second by Bill. Motion carried. President Knoup will speak with Judd and get more information to report to the board.
There was an issue with the shrubs on the south side of the cemetery. Had a complaint from a neighbor that the berries were cut off when they trimmed the shrubs.
President Knoup noted that the Historical Society may be interested in the site of the old Café. The committee will meet with them to see what their intentions are before any more discussion is made.
The police squad has been repaired.
Old Business
The board has no progress to report with the flood buy-out.
New Business
The Masonic Lodge is requesting monetary assistance from the Village. The board has determined they will not get involved.
Scott Gross, Yellow Creek Inn, has requested to close the street by the Inn on September 14th to raise money for the Athletic Boosters for weight training equipment. President Knoup will speak with them prior to the event for more information and to advise them regarding music and clean up.
Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm by Larry
Second by Bill.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk