APRIL 6, 2020
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call, President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Kirk Knoup, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Mat. Second by Jim. Motion Carried.
Bob made a motion to pay all bills as presented with additions and corrections made. Second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Mat made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Jim.
No transfer of funds
Maintenance Report
Rob reported that the bridge at Mill Pond needs to be looked at. The cement pads are working away from the soil. The committee will look at it and try to fix it before it comes completely loose.
President Knoup spoke with Adam from Fehr Graham regarding well #3. Adam said that there is a 50/50 grant available (Rebuild Illinois) We will have Adam put together the plan and wait a year and apply for the grant. Will also ask Adam if we could put together the sewer loop project and add it to the grant.
Adam hopes to let bids in May for the street maintenance using Motor Fuel Tax money.
Nothing will be done on the street by the new BoCo. Need to wait until they get required permits from the state.
Need to put out several notices for late water and garbage payments. Board has decided to wait until after the 15th to do this.
President Knoup noted that we may want to look at doing a good gesture for our residents during this current state shutdown. Will also need to look at businesses. Jamie noted that the coupon books will be going in the mail soon and wanted to know if we are adding the yearly 25 cent increase. Mat made a motion to increase the water rates by 25 cents. Motion second by Will. Motion carried.
Pitts Drywall has bought the storage shed on N Main St. He would like water and sewer run to the building. The village will put in a shutoff and the land owner is responsible for running water and sewer from the shutoff to the building. Mat made a motion to waive the $100.00 hookup fee for water. Motion second by Bob. Motion carried.
Jim thinks that the grass seeding from last fall, due to the street improvements in Windhaven subdivision, needs to be redone. He will speak with Brian at Fehr Graham. Doug Visel would like to put up a pole building at the end of his street where it is a dead end. He would like to do it without having the required frontage setback. Mat made a motion to approve the building permit with a 10-foot frontage setback from the end of the street for the pole building. Motion second by Bob. Motion carried.
The committee met with Josh from Ecological Services to discuss what he can do to help get the prairie area started. Josh said that Rob would need to kill off 3 areas and that he would have to spray at least 3 times. They would plant in late fall. We have not gotten a quote from him but he did say that the area would not look good for about 3 years until the seed really takes hold. The board wants to see a cost before any decision will be made.
Jim made a motion to approve the electrical and gravel pads for the campground, not to exceed $5,000.00. Motion second by Will. Motion carried.
No report
No report
We are looking to reschedule the Annual TIF meeting and only allow a specific number of attendees.
Will made a motion to waive the $950.00 liquor license fee for Little John’s Tap and Rt 73 Brew-N-Chew since they are not allowed to be open due to the Convid-19 pandemic. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Old Business
The Pre-Annexation Agreement has been completed and given to the Development committee.
New Business
Mat made a motion to waive 12 months of payment for water/sewer/garbage for Yellow Creek Quilt due to the revenue lost during this pandemic event. Motion second by Bob. Motion carried.
Dave made a motion to have the month of May water/sewer/garbage for all residents to be paid by the village. Any person whom paid for the entire year will receive a credit for their June bill. Motion second by Will. Motion carried.
The board had a 1st reading of the new ordinance for Litter, Garbage and Trash. A 2nd reading will be done at the May meeting before final approval.
Motion to adjourn at 8:45 by Kirk. Motion second by Will. Motion carried.
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk