April 5, 2010
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Rusty Liebenstein, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Brian Schiess, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.
Second by Brian.
Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented.
Second by Rusty.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.
Second by Dave.
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Brian to transfer $6,000.00 from Sales Tax to the General account. Motion second by Jim. Motion carried.
Financial Report
The finance committee is currently working on the Appropriations for the new fiscal year and is asking all committees to let them know of any expenses they will have in the next year.
There were four Scouts present to sit in on the meeting to earn their Citizen badge.
Maintenance Report
See attached sheet
It was noted that there will be three new Spec homes built in Windhaven. Two homes have been staked out already.
Streets & Alleys
The Street Maintenance program for this year will consist of South St, both east and West of Hwy 73. The approximate cost will be $75,000.00. We have approximately $22,000.00 in Motor Fuel for the street program so it was noted that this year the street cost would be paid from TIF and General. The committee will check with Fehr-Graham to see if it is necessary to have a heavier street on E. South St due to Fire equipment exiting and entering on that stretch of street.
Rob noted that the price of well piping is due to increase by triple the current prices. Typically the village needs to replace the pumps every seven years, with the main pump going on fourteen years now. Rob suggested that we buy the pipe now and also that we replace all the original wiring. Motion was made by Dave to purchase the well pipe and wiring to store until we need to replace the pump. Motion second by Rusty. Motion carried.
The committee will have notices sent to late bills. Motion was made by Dave to implement the 25 cent per month increase for the Water and Sewer bills. Motion second by Rusty. Motion carried. It was noted that the village increase was withheld last year due to the increase in the garbage rates.
We had six bids for the cemetery mowing. The committee opened bids and narrowed the results to three bids ranging from $115.00 to $150.00.
The committee made a motion to accept the low bid from Forest Green Trees. Motion second by Jim. Motion carried. Rusty noted that Larry Heckman will have four people to mow and trim and be done within a very short time.
The committee would like to add on the responsibility of mowing the hill. The committee will meet and discuss this with Forest Green Trees. The committee will post for the cemetery decorations to be removed before the mowing season begins. Rusty had received one bid from Demeester to plant perennial flowers on the bank along the highway and also to replant hedges. The bid was near $4,000.00 so the committee will check for further bids and/or ideas.
The date for the Annual Clean Up day will be May 8th from 8am to 3pm.
The village will post for summer help with the hiring of one person. Applications will need to be received by April 23rd with interviews the following week.
The police had 128 ½ hours logged for patrol. The committee noted that Crime Stop will be meeting soon and Fred is hoping to receive money to be used for the new laptop for the squad.
Old Business
Mat met with the School regarding Lion’s Park and the unofficial idea to insert an archway within the park for the bus line-up and to reduce North St. to a one way. This would relive the congestion of vehicles during school hours and school functions. Mat will meet with Kim again and see if there have been any more ideas and to see if the Park District is willing to participate in any combined project.
The state has informed the Pearl City Car Wash that they will need to revise the driveway and close off the entry from Goldmine Rd. He cannot use the
existing drive approach and can only exit from the alley. Jim Haas is requesting help from the board to help defray the additional cost. President Knoup will inform Jim of our Re-Vitalization TIF Grants.
Hal Mckinski needs to be informed that he will need to hire his own mowing of the empty lots. He is to be billed for the mowing from last summer.
The village has received negative feedback from notes and no parking signs at the entrance to the Legion parking lot. The board had an agreement with the Legion to allow public parking when the Legion was not hosting anything at the Hall. Several board members feel we should dissolve the agreement and let the Legion decide to allow any parking. Motion was made by Larry to dissolve the agreement with the Legion and to allow the Legion to enforce their rules on public parking. Roll call vote as follows: Larry-yes, Dave-yes, Brian-yes, Jim-nay, Mat-nay, and Rusty-nay. Let the record show 3-yes, 3-nay. President Knoup voted yes to dissolve as the tie breaker. A letter will be sent informing the Legion of the village’s decision.
New Business
The board had the first reading of the inter-governmental agreement between the Fire District and the Village board. It was suggested that a second document be made to address any issues such as mowing, cleaning, payment of utilities and maintenance of the building. Members voiced concerns and wanted to see as many details in an agreement to avoid conflicts between boards in years to come.
Board members requested a change on page 5 to state 45 days to dispute a bill.
The state is saying that there needs to be more re-work done on manholes on Main St and Devore St. before final payment is made.
Motion was made by Jim to donate $100.00 to Post Prom from the Public Benefit fund. Motion second by Larry. Motion carried.
Brian Schiess brought forward his letter of resignation from the Village board due to his upcoming move. President Knoup has accepted his resignation. Board members are encouraged to bring names of interested individuals to the next meeting.
Motion to adjourn at 8:45 pm by Larry.
Second by Rusty.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk