April 4, 2011

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Mat Diehl, Rusty Liebenstein, Jim Westaby, Bill Eaton, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Mat

Second by Bill.

Motion Carried.

The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented with additional bills added.

Second by Bill.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Dave.

Motion carried.

 Financial Report

Mat reviewed with the board charts that he had made that shows the revenue of each committee and the expenses.


Adam from Fehr-Graham was present to review the hydraulic model that has been completed and submitted to the state.  The state has given the ok on the model.

The final permits need to be filed and they are hoping to get a bid package by the end of May with bid opening near July.

Adam noted that construction will need to be completed before we can be reinstated into the National Flood Plan.

By the end of April we should know if the permits have been accepted.

Fehr Graham will come out and fag the area so we can see how much land will be used to widen the channel.

Adam note that realistically we will not be back in the flood plan anytime before October.  Adam noted that they will request if we can get back into the program once bids have been selected and construction begins.

A motion was made by Larry to continue to work on the project and to have the ground staked out.  Motion second by Bill.  Motion carried.

Board members want to move as quickly as possible on this project.

 The Water committee met with IIW regarding the Aeration project for the lagoon. The committee wanted to take the time to look at both Engineering firms IIW and Fehr-Graham.  Both firms were comparable and pricing on both was within balance of each other.

The committee made a motion to continue to have Fehr-Graham work on the Aeration project.  Motion second by Bill.  Motion carried.

The board has agreed to have Fehr-Graham move ahead with the income survey to see if the Village is eligible for a DOC Infrastructure grant.

 Fehr-Graham will send a cover letter to homes within the Village and include a salary survey.  All responses will be delivered to Fehr-Graham and the board will not see these.  If Fehr-Graham determines we have 51% low income they will continue with the filing of paperwork for the grant.  The first phase of the income survey will run approximately $2500.00.  The survey is good for 5 years.

 Adam noted that the preliminary phase of this large project is about 5-6 months.  After this amount of time we should have project cost, payment options, etc.  It will take a year to a year and a half before construction would even begin.

 Maintenance Report

 Changed fluoride pump at well 4 and installed one at well 3.  The lift stations have been serviced and pumps checked for debris.  Completed a complete inventory on Village owned equipment and buildings.  Sent one copy to the insurance company for their file.  Contracted 100 ton of salt for next winter.

Need permission to order chemicals for Mill Pond.

See Attached sheet for more information.

 Streets & Alleys

 Committee will look at which streets will need patchwork this summer.  We do not want to do a full year of street maintenance due to project payments due this year.


Refer to Visitor section for Lagoon Aeration project update.

The committee made a motion to keep the 25 cent increase for the water – sewer rates.  Motion second by Bill.  Motion carried.


 Received 5 mowing bids.  The low bid of $145.00 per mow requested to be removed from the bid.  At this time the committee made a motion to accept Forrest Trees bid of $175.00 per mow.  Motion second by Dave with roll call cote: Rusty-yes, Mat-yes, Jim-yes, Bill-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes.

Let the record show 6-yes, 0-no.  The committee selected Forrest Tree due to their ability to get the mowing, trimming and cleanup done in one day.


 Clean up day will be May 7th from 8-2.  The scouts will be helping again this year. Board members working will donate their meeting pay for the day to the scouts.

The committee will let bids for a dump truck and package in several sizes.

After bids are looked at then they will decide what size/package to get.


No report


Little John’s have requested permission for a beer garden for Homecoming August 5th and 6th.

License renewals are in progress.

Old Business

We have 7 resumes for the part time maintenance position.  The fire department is requesting that we look at individuals with EMT license first as they need daytime coverage for the district.

The hours would be flexible running about 25 weeks.

The board has narrowed the selection to three individuals with Geoff Williams first then Charlie Boop and Bob Ditzler.  If Geoff does not want the position at this time mat will give Charlie the option.

Motion was made by Mat to set the hourly rate for the part-time maintenance help at $11.00 per hour.  Motion second by Bill.  Motion carried.

New Business


Motion to adjourn at 9:15 pm by Dave.

Second by Rusty.

Motion carried.


Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



May 2, 2011


March 7, 2011