April 1, 2013

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Mat Diehl, Rusty Liebenstein, Jim Westaby, Bill Eaton, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Mat.

Second by Larry. Motion Carried.

 The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented, with additions and corrections added. Second by Bill. Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Bill. Motion carried.

 No transfer of fund needed

 Financial Report

The committee noted that 5 funds were over the allotted appropriated amounts.

Mat drafted a supplemental appropriation to make changes to those accounts.

The committee made a motion to accept the Supplemental Appropriations as presented.  Motion second by Dave. Roll call as follows: Larry-yes, Dave-yes, Bill-yes, Jim-yes, Mat-yes, Rusty-yes, Let the record show 6-yes, 0-no and 0-absent.


Fehr-Graham-was present to review our ongoing projects.  The downtown sidewalk replacement will begin within the next week. Residents from the downtown area were present to review the final drawings and ask questions before construction begins.

FEMA is requesting the board’s approval for three residents to opt out of the Buy-Out program at this time.  Motion was made by Mat to allow the residents to opt out of the Buy-Out.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.  A letter will be drafted to FEMA stating the board’s approval.

Final documents will be submitted to IDNR for the 20% Village cost of the Buy-Out project.

Fehr-Graham has requested a meeting with the Water and Sewer committee to review the Waste Water Treatment project.

 Maintenance Report

See attached report

Streets & Alleys

 The committee is looking at widening Walgren Road just west of 73 at the intersection.


 President Knoup spoke with Mike Dinderman regarding the open well issue. Mike is agreeable to meet with Rob and the committee to detail his cost to make the well operational.

The committee has reviewed our current water rates with area towns and has determined that we are much lower.  The committee suggests that we increase our rates by $2.00 per month.  Committee made a motion to increase the Water and Sewer rates by $2.00 per month effective with the new coupon books.  Motion second by Mat.  Roll Call vote as follows: Mat-yes, Rusty-yes, Jim-yes, Dave-yes, Bill-yes, Larry-yes.   Let the record show 6-yes, 0-no and 0-absent.


Committee noted as a reminder that the Village will be doing the Cemetery mowing this season. 


The committee has a quote for $1850.00 for new gutters on the maintenance building.  This item will be tabled until the May meeting.

Rob noted that work will need to be done on the Salt Shed wall and the roof on the Well Pump house.

Motion was made by Larry to hold the Annual Clean Up day on May 11th from 8am to 2pm.  Motion second by Rusty.  Motion carried.  The Boy Scouts will be helping again this year.


Larry noted that the Police hours have increased this past month.

Rob has requested that the Officers take the squad to have the tires rotated as he is not able to do this.


 Old Business

The TIF Joint Review meeting has been scheduled for April 11th at 3:30pm.  There will be an additional committee meeting after to discuss the process of extending the TIF.

 New Business

 Geoff will begin working May 1st. Rob may use him before this date if needed.

 Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm by Larry.

Second by Bill.

Motion carried.


Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



May 6, 2013


March 4, 2013