October 4, 2021

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Mat

Members answering roll call, President Diehl, Bob Asche, Bob Knoup, Mike Tichler, Dave Dixon, Tim Martens, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

The minutes from the September meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob A. Second by Tim. Motion Carried.

The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with additional bills to General Account. Second by Bob K.  Motion carried.

Tim made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Dave. Motion carried.

No transfer of funds needed

Maintenance Report

See Attached


Marni from Rock River Energy was present to inform the board that the electrical contract for the residents is due to expire and the board will need to continue the aggregation program with a new contract or end the program. Marni reported that in the past 3 years we have saved the residents $16,300.00 with a no termination fee contract. The low bid for the new contracts came in at 6.188 cents per therm.  As of 10-4-2021 Com-Ed is at 6.72.

Dave made a motion to accept the Dynegy contract for 3 years with a rate lock at 6.188 cent.  Motion second by Bob A.  Motion carried.

President Mat gave the board updates on our current projects.  Well #3-The floor slab has been poured.  Nicam is working on this with a projected date of delivery of the building near the end of October.

The attorney has completed the annexation paperwork. Notice of annexation will need to be sent via registered mail to the Fire District trustees and the library board trustees before the agreement is approved by the village.

The board would like Fehr Graham to mark the right of way on the north side of Walgren Rd so that we can see where a new sidewalk would be.  The board members feel that a sidewalk needs to be in place on Walgren Rd to Rt 73. The board will discuss this at future meetings since it is too late in the year to pour cement.


Late payments are looking better


The committee spoke with Helms regarding the breaking of the street in Windhaven subdivision.  This was due to running heavy machinery on the street.  Helms will repair that portion of the street when they complete the road at well house #3.

The permit is here to replace the walking bridge on south 73.  The committee has not yet received a quote from Kempel Construction for cost of replacement.

Board members questioned the possibility to have a crosswalk added to Rt 73 from Walgren Rd to Dollar General.


No report


Freeport Flag has been notified to see if they can straighten the flag poles at the Memorial Garden.



Fred is doing follow up of ordinance violations. 

The Lutheran church is requesting to block off First St in front of the church. Bob A made a motion to allow the church to block off First St. from Devore to South on October 16th for a church function. Motion second by Bob K.  Motion carried.


No report

Old Business

The Post Prom committee has sent the village of Thank you for our donation.

 New Business

The village has received a generous donation from FurBaby Express of German Valley.  Sue Becker, owner, sent the $450.00 donation to express her thanks for being able to use the dog park. The board members feel the money should be used to re-seed the grass and other updates to the park.

Motion was made by Bob K to allow Halloween Trick or Treat hours on October 31, 2021 from 5pm to 7pm.  Motion second by Bob A.  Motion carried.

Tim reported that the walking path in the Prairie area will be approximately $2500.00 for gravel and he estimates that $5000.00 in gravel should complete the path around Mill Pond.

Tim made a motion to have Rob start on the path and the board approves up to $5000.00 in expense for gravel.  Motion second by Mike.  Motion carried. Gravel expense will be paid for by the TID fund. The township will let us use their skid loader to move gravel.

Motion to adjourn at 8:05 by Tim. Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk



TIF Joint Review 11/1/2021


September 7, 2021