November 6, 2017
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Will Backus, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim. Second by Larry. Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with changes. Second by Will. Motion carried.
Jim made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Bob.
Mat made a motion to transfer $15,000.00 from the Sales Tax fund to the General account. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried.
Financial Report
Maintenance Report
Tim Pauley was present representing the Athletic Boosters requesting permission to hold a fund raiser at the Fire Station on December 2, 2017. He also noted that they will be serving alcohol and request that we allow a special liquor permit for Little John’s Tap to serve.
Bob made a motion to approve the Special Use Liquor Permit for Little John’s Tap for December 2, 2017. Motion second by Jim. Motion carried.
Residents of the Windhaven Subdivision were present to speak with the board regarding the Beloved Church. Spokesperson, Kate Ramsey, heard that the pastor of the church is requesting tax exempt for his home as a parsonage. She noted that he is having services and prayer meetings and the residents have safety issues with the number of vehicles parked near the intersection.
President Knoup presented the letter that he received from Steve Cassell stating that he is apply for the tax-exempt status for the parsonage. President Knoup informed the residents that every taxing body in the county received the same letter. This will then go before the County Board of review and they will accept or deny. Regardless of their decision it will automatically go to the State of Illinois for final approval.
The County cannot determine where a church can be within the Village of Pearl City.
Residents then requested that we look at updating our ordinance regarding the parking on the streets and near the intersection. Will suggested that we have an officer monitor the parking on a Wednesday or Saturday evening and report back to the board.
Residents inquired if there was an intent to become a full-time church at his home. Mat suggested that they have a conversation with the Pastor for answers as the board does not know his intentions.
The board will look into different parking options, but reminded the residents that it will affect all of them if changes are made.
Jon Schubert, OConnor Brooks, was present to review the Village audit for 2017.
Jon noted the following pages of interest. Page 10 – Balance sheet noting the payroll tax payable and the retirement payable.
The cash overdraft is the general fund lending money to the other funds. Jon will email Jamie with two transfers that need to be done. Page 11 is the Income Statement, Page 13 is the Water and Sewer fund noting taxes and retirement added. Page 15 is the Water and Sewer cash flow which Jon noted that the cash flow has increased.
Page 45 is the Civil Defense Fund that is no longer in use. Jon suggested that we adjust the balance and zero out the fund. Bob made a motion to adjust the fund to reflect the purchase of the Fire/Storm siren. Motion second by Larry. Motion carried. Jon will make the necessary changes to the audit.
Page 51 is the Public Benefit fund that is no longer in use. Jon would like to see an adjustment and zero out the fund. The board will check with the attorney to see if we could use the money to help purchase the digital sign with the Lion’s Club.
Page 52 is the Social Security fund and Jon noted that we should be paying the payroll tax from this fund and not general.
President Knoup reviewed the current projects starting with the Flood Buy-Out.
We have paid the demolition bill and this will be sent to the state, with photos so that we can get reimbursed. We are now waiting for the State to approve the next 9 buildings for buy out and demolition.
Safe Route to School: There is one section of the sidewalk project that is not part of the grant. From the end of Summit street/on Dori Dr. to Walgren Rd. This section will cost approximately $30,000.00 to complete. Motion was made by
Larry to complete this section to tie the sidewalk all together. Motion second by Jim. Motion carried.
President Knoup requested a bid from Kleckner’s Excavating to replace sidewalk from South St to Walgren Rd along Highway 73.
We will need additional help to clear sidewalks from the demo homes. Rob will check with Tickler and Williams to see if they may be interested along with plowing roads. Rob will need attachments for the tractors for the sidewalks. Rob will get the estimates and get approval for purchase from the committee.
No Report
No Report
No Report
The Friends of Mill Pond is requesting permission to put in several Swamp Maple trees. Rob reported that many of the small trees will be removed and then replaced with the Swamp Maples. Larry made a motion to approve the planting as long as they check with Rob before any planting is done so that they do not have to be moved. Motion second by Bob. Motion carried.
No report
Old Business
President Knoup noted that there are 6 lots left in Windhaven Subdivision for $9,000.00 each. He has suggested that we give an incentive to buyers to help get these sold. Bob made a motion to pay the homeowners first tax bill after the house is completed. Motion second by Larry. Motion carried.
New Business
The board spoke with the police officer regarding the parking in Windhaven during church/prayer services. He noted that it is congested and suggested that parking only be allowed on the West side of the street. He also suggested that no parking be allowed for 30 feet from the intersection on the West side and no parking for one block on the East side. This will allow enough room for any service vehicles to make the corner of the intersection.
Will noted that he would like to see the board look at an ordinance update regarding apartments in the downtown area.
President Knoup informed the board that Harry Bowen made an offer to the Legion for the purchase of their building. Harry would keep the backroom available for the Legion meetings. Harry requested that we re-open the alley behind the building to accommodate semi’s. President Knoup is waiting to hear back from Harry.35
Motion to adjourn at 9: by Larry, Second by Bob. Motion carried
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk