May 4, 2009

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

  Newly elected trustees and president were officially sworn in before roll call vote was taken.

Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Rusty Liebenstein, Mat Diehl, Dave Dixon, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Mat.

Second by Jim.

Motion Carried.

The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented.

Motion Second by Jim.

Motion carried. 

Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Mat.

Second by Jim.

Motion carried.

No transfer of funds needed.

Financial Report


Gill’s Disposal was here to discuss the new contract.  This will be a five year contract with an increase of approximately $1.86 per household and 3% yearly there after.  The contract will allow households to put out two cans of garbage without having to have stickers for additional garbage. There is a clause for a fuel charge if diesel goes above $4.00 per gallon.

Members discussed other options: private pickup, Gill’s doing the billing for the village, in which they said they will not pick up to delinquent accounts.  This leaves the village looking at sanitary problems when garbage is not picked up.

Gill’s will supply the board with a number of recycle bins to replace broken ones.  Motions were made by Mat to accept the contract as presented by Gill’s.   Motion second by Rusty.  Motion carried.

Maintenance Report

See attached report

Rob reported that the storm siren is not working and it keeps tripping the breaker. The chip for the noon whistle has not been installed.  Board feels the siren has not been set up correctly and request Rob and Brent to coordinate repairs and any cost incurred will be the responsibility of the Board.  After these repairs and set up have been completed it will be the responsibility of the Fire Department to coordinate any and all repairs as needed.

 Streets & Alleys

 Fehr-Graham had bid letting for the new East St. improvement project.  There were 4 bids ranging from $103,222.51 to $132,291.40 for the street bid only.  These numbers did not reflect the street lighting aspect of the project.

Motion was made by Jim to accept the low bid from Fischer’s for the East St. improvement and reject the street lighting bid.  The bid was $103,222.51.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion accepted.

 Fehr-Graham is requesting to let bids for the East-John-Center St project.

We can reject the bids if we feel we cannot carry to large projects this summer.

The finance committee will need to meet and look at figures, so there is not overspending with projects this year.  There will be not regular street maintenance this year.  We will seal the area by the new car wash.


Adam from Fehr-Graham will have new information regarding a company that will remove the water tower for a small fee.  Lake Summerset removed a tower for approximately $2,000.  The board wants the tower removed and approves proceeding with the option of another company removing it.

New Water coupons will be sent out.  Their will be an increase due to the new contract, but the village will not apply the annual 25 cent increase.

The sump pump inspections have not been properly inspected and all the inspections listed for the month will not be accepted or paid and will need to be inspected personally, not by phone.  If there are any questions regarding the non-payment for the work completed, Matt will need to speak with Jim or Dave.

The pumps are in at the lift station and the police have been informed if the red light is on at the pump house, they are to notify a board member immediately.  The new committee will meet with Rob and tour the lift stations and water tower.  The committee will need to meet and discuss the removal of the old pump and whether to give away or sell for junk.


No report


Clean up day went well.

Dal Murray will be moving the old cemetery building.


No report


 Old Business

The poles have been moved at the old gas station site.  The adjacent homeowner has approved the removal of the trees along the alleyway behind the new car wash. 

Changes have been submitted for electrical /data connections at the new Village Hall.  Fred is requesting a locking closet for use as an evidence room.  This will be more secure than our locking cabinet, with only officers having access to the room.

 We had 10 applications for summer help.  Jim made a motion for the Work Relations committee to interview the applicants so that the initial expectations can be laid out before employment.  Motion second by Rusty.  Motion carried.  The Work Relations committee may hire after interviews are complete.

Members of the Work Relations committee include Mat-CH, Dave, Rob and Rusty.

We will send the Park District a second Notice for payment of maintenance the Village did at the old Lion’s Park.

New Business

Scott Gross is requesting the alley and street block off for his annual block party on June 5th and 6th.

Motion was made by Jim to allow the street block off on June 5th and 6th with cleanup to be completed on Sunday morning.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Rob may drop off the fencing, but he is not to use the village time to do set up for Yellow Creek Inn.

Motion to adjourn at 8:55 pm by Dave.

Second by Mat.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



June 1, 2009


December 1, 2008