June 1, 2009

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

  Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Rusty Liebenstein, Jim Westaby, Mat Diehl, Brian Schiess, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.

Second by Brian.

Motion Carried.

 The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented, with the addition of the Blue Cross Blue Shield bill when it arrives.

Motion Second by Jim.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Larry.

Motion carried.

Motion was made by Brian to transfer $9,000 from Sales account to the General account.  Motion second by Jim.  Motion carried.

Financial Report


Maintenance Report

See attached report

Streets & Alleys

 Stephan Electric estimated the new street lights for the East St. extension to be $8,900.  Motion was made by Jim to have Stephan Electric do the lights on the new street. Motion second by Brian.  Motion carried.

 Bid letting for the East/John/Center St. improvements was held May 27th.  We had four bids, with Civil Construction coming in with the low bid.  Motion was made by Jim to do the entire project and to accept Civil Construction bid of $360,355.60.  Motion second by Brian.  Motion carried.

It was noted that Rob is doing cold patch and to notify him of any spots that need to be patched.

It was suggested that the board look at measures to help alleviate excess water in the yards of residents on the west side of Highway 73 near the lift station.


No sump pump inspections were done last month.

The committee noted that 16 shut-off notices were posted.  Dave also checked with surrounding towns on their policies for water shut-off and delinquent bills.  Most were 60 days delinquent before shut-off occurred.

The committee is proposing changes to the current system.  This would include a 30 day notice to pay past charges on the water and sewer bills after a tenant is two months late.  If the third month is not paid there would be a five day notice for payment in full before shut-off.  $25 turn on fee during business hours and $50 fee after hours.

All rentals will need to be switched over to the homeowner’s responsibility for payment. The committee will put together the changes and submit to the board for review at the July meeting.

Fehr & Graham will let bids to have the water tower removed. Bid letting will be done at a “no charge” to the Village.  If the bids come in too high we will have the right to reject all of them and not remove the tower.


There were complaints regarding the mowing of the cemetery for Memorial Day.

Rusty talked with Ed regarding the appearance.


Clean up day used eleven dumpsters this year.

There was complaint regarding who was to mow the banks by the P.C. Garage.


We were short on police hours this month.

It was noted that the police cannot run radar beyond the village limits.


 Old Business

Second notice bill for maintenance of the old Lions Park has been sent to the Park District.

Interviews were done for selection of summer help for Rob.

The Work Relations committee has chosen Jake Grebner for the job.

 New Business

Review of the lift stations will be on Wednesday evening at 7pm. Meet at the Village Hall.

 Motion to adjourn at 9:00 pm by Larry.

Second by Jim.

Motion carried.


Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



July 6, 2009


May 4, 2009