March 1, 2021

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup

Members answering roll call, President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Dave Dixon, Kirk Knoup, Tim Martens, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

The minutes from the February meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Kirk. Motion Carried.

The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented. Second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Mat made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Kirk. Motion carried.

No transfer of funds needed.

Maintenance Report

Rob reported that the Kabota tractor is in the shop with some hydraulic problems. He believes it might have been too cold.  The lift station pump has been pulled and cleaned.


Ron Johnson was present representing the Community Development. He wants to market the property that they own and is requesting that the village annex the property within the village limits.

Adam – Fehr Graham was present to present the bids opening for the well #3 project. We had 4 bids ranging from 1.2 million to 1.38 million. Adam noted that the state dictates that each village/town/city have 2 reliable water sources. He did note that the project will still be a lower cost than drilling a new well site. If a bid is approved tonight it could be June before construction begins.

Mat made a motion to approve the low bid from Nicam Construction for $1,210,000.00.  Motion second by Dave. Roll call vote as follows: Tim-yes, Dave-yes, Kirk-yes, Mat-yes, Bob-yes.  Let the record show 5-yes, 0-no and 1-absent.

Dave made a motion to allow Fehr Graham to continue to get quotes and let bids for the completion of North St.  Motion second by Tim.  Motion carried.

Adam noted that all municipalities were required to fill out paperwork stating what they will be using the Special Allocation Motor Fuel Tax money on.


Well #3 was discussed in the visitor section.  The annual coupon books are due to be printed. The board discussed the possibility of increases to help cover cost of the well project.  Normally there is an annual 25 cent increase. Bob made a motion to continue as is with the yearly 25 cent increase.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Discussion then turned to late payment/no payment fees. Rob has to put notices on doors on a monthly basis.  Bob will make calls to surrounding towns and see what their procedure is. More discussion will be made next month.

The board also discussed the cleaning of fire hydrants. It is usually the homeowner that will keep snow away from the hydrants, but some homeowners are not physically able to do this.  It was suggested that the Fire Department do this on weekly work night. 


We will be posting a No Parking on either side of the street on North St. This will be from Rt 73 east to the first alley. This will be implemented when the new gas station opens.


Summer help will need to be discussed next month.

With the new minimum wage increase January 1, Kade will receive $15.00 per hour for his help with snow removal and plowing.

The Annual Spring Clean Up day will be held May 8th.  The Boy Scouts will again be helping at the event.

The campsites are still in use. The committee will look into the garage near the site to see if it could be converted to bathrooms/showers for the campground.


No report


No report


The committee is to let Chip Bowen know if there is anything he will need to do for the TIF agreement.

Mat discussed that our village website will be discontinued by GoDaddy. Our site was on an older platform that they have discontinued.  GoDaddy was unable to roll our information over to the new platform. Board members questioned whether we should not have a website and just use social media. After discussion Mat will continue to look at alternate sites and have our information moved if the price is reasonable.


Liquor license fees will resume this year.  Bowen Oil Co has a Class 1A with Sunday sales to run April 15th thru April 30th. They will then reapply for the yearly Class 1A license.


The new plaque is here that lists all the mayors of the village since it was renamed Pearl City.

The Fire Department will be installing electronic locks on our doors.

Dave will have information regarding electronic recycle for the April meeting.


 Motion to adjourn at 9:15 by Kirk. Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk




April 5, 2021


February 1, 2021