July 1, 2019
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Kirk Knoup, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the June meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Jim. Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with additions and corrections made. Second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Jim made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Kirk.
Bob made a motion to transfer $55,000.00 from Sales account to the General fund. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Maintenance Report
Rob noted that the tractor has 2 new tires. The work has begun on the creek banks. The lift station pump has been installed.
Rob noted that he started the camping pads near Mill Pond. There is still 1 aerator not working in the pond. The dock has been reinstalled at the pond.
Rob has completed the Consumer Confidence report and has been sent to the EPA.
Hydrant flushing has started.
Jeff Johnson was present representing the Lion’s Club. He noted that the BLVD Bash will be held on August 24th and that the Lion’s would like to request a beer garden. The Bash will also be holding a car show and the parade will be held at 11am. Jeff has requested that the Police officers do a walkthrough of the beer garden sometime throughout the day/evening. Jeff also requested permission to use the property north of the Blvd for parking if needed. President Knoup noted that was not a problem as long as the area is dry.
Motion was made by Dave to allow the beer garden for the BLVD Bash. Motion second by Bob. Motion carried.
Fehr Graham was present to give an update on the village projects.
Flood Buy-Out- The paperwork is complete for the final property. Adam will message Paul/Ron to clarify “Open Space”
Safe Route to School – There is one bill left for this project. The sidewalk needs repaired by Fisher’s on Summit St.
Well #3 – Flood Protection, Fehr Graham would like to run well #3 for a while and then do water quality testing and also bore for a new site if needed. Cost would run about $3.000.00. They would like to test before we consider raising the existing well or doing any other flood protection for it. Motion was made by Dave to have Fehr Graham continue with the well testing. Motion second by Jim. Motion carried.
No report
Bids were open by Fehr Graham for the surfacing of Breezeway/Gusty Trail.
Two bids: Martin at $96,420.96 and Civil at $87,886.06. Motion was made by Jim to approve the low bid from Civil. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
The committee noted that they would have a tube extension added to where the water is standing on the sidewalk on Summit St.
Chip Bowen has plans made and would like to get together with the committee to review them. (Jim, Mat, Will)
Kirk reported that we received 2 bids for the plow package. Monroe Trucking at $34,791.00 and Bonnell at $39,200. Bob made a motion to accept the low bid with Monroe trucking. Motion second by Jim. Motion carried.
The committee presented the appropriations to the board and noted changes made. Bob made a motion to approve the appropriations as presented. Motion second by Dave. Roll Call vote as follows: Jim-yes, Kirk-yes, Dave-yes, Bob-yes, Let the record show 4-yes, 0-no and 2 absent.
Committee is requesting a more in-depth report from the officers.
We have not received a chicken license renewal from Hough. Officer will need to confirm a renewal or have chickens removed.
We have had a low amount of police hours for a couple months. Committee questioned whether we should advertise for more officers.
No report
No report
Old Business
New Business
Will contact Rock River Energy for electrical bids for our September meeting.
Motion was made by Jim to accept the Ordinance written by Jacob Klein for the removal of Kirk’s house from the TIF district. Motion second by Bob. Roll call vote as follows: Jim-yes, Dave-yes, Kirk-Abstain, Bob-yes, President Knoup-yes. Let the record show 3-yes, 1-absatin, 2-absent.
Motion to adjourn at 8:40 by Bob, Second by Kirk. Motion carried
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk