January 5, 2015
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the December meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Dave. Second by Bob. Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented, with additions and corrections added. Second by Dave. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Mat.
Second by Larry. Motion carried.
No transfer of fund needed
Financial Report
Maintenance Report
Rob reported that he is putting in a ceiling on Bay 2 at the maintenance building. He had to replace the chlorinator after reports of the water smelling bad,
Kelsey Excavating will begin to move equipment in after Christmas.
The aerators at Mill Pond are working well so far this winter.
We had one visitor present with questions regarding the Buy-Out. He was inquiring whether we were holding the project until the two properties with a lien on the title and one needing a boundary survey. President Knoup noted that we are not holding up the project. We are waiting for FEMA to make the offers to the property owners.
After the owners receive an offer, a designee from the Village will need to make a walkthrough of the property as witness to the details of what is written in the appraisal.
No report
We have received an update that Olson Wells will give an estimate for the sealing of the well. Next court date will be January 23rd.
No report
Bob noted that we will need to replace the roof on the well house soon. Will look at this summer to complete,
One new officer has been hired part time
President Knoup reported on the Video Gaming for Harry Bowen at Bo-Co. Harry will need to have a type of Pour License and that someone 21 years of age will need to be on duty at all times. President Knoup noted the lack of parking and the congestion that is there at this time without any gambling games.
He also noted that the board could charge per machine, but that this was not recommended by the company.
Harry Bowen is putting machines in Orangeville. Have not heard whether he has machines in Lena.
President Knoup was unsure whether a Pour License cannot be renewed if gaming machines are pulled from the business. Will need to check with the Liquor Commission for this.
At this time, Motion was made by Bob and Second by Larry to table the Video Gaming for Bo-Co until we can get more information. President Knoup will meet with Harry Bowen to discuss further.
Old Business
The committee has received a copy of a contract between the Village and Jay Butson regarding the tower,
Will along with Jim Geary have reviewed the contract and recommends it. They also added that we may want to put in a power meter and add clause for review of contract annually.
The board is requesting that Jay attend our next meeting to discuss ownership and his intentions.
New Business
Board members requested that President Knoup speak with Fehr-Graham regarding when offers letters will be sent for the Buy-Out properties. President Knoup noted that he will also make some phone calls to get an estimated time.
Motion to adjourn at 8:00 pm by Larry
Second by Bob.
Motion carried.
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk