February 7, 2005

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

 The minutes from the January meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Larry.

Second by Dave S.

Motion Carried.

 The committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.

Motion Second by Dave D.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Dave S.

Second by Dave D.

Motion carried.

 Transfer of funds-none needed

  Financial Report

 Received the new contract for the fiscal year from O’Connor, Brooks.

Total amount is less than last year.  Motion from Larry to accept the contract for O’Connor, Brooks for the annual audits for this fiscal year.  Motion second by Dave S.  Motion carried.


 Gene Woodley was at the meeting to give thanks to the Village board for sponsoring him for Police school.  He has been a reserve for the last ten years.  Gene’s name has been added to our list of persons requesting hours for the police dept.

 Maintenance Report

See attached report

Streets & Alleys

No report.


Several notices were given for late bills.


 Bill Hermann will glue the broken headstone at the cemetery for no charge once the weather warms up.

 The cemetery roads were cleaned well for the large funeral this past week. Our policy is to only clean the cemetery roads when there is a funeral scheduled.  Plowing only covers up the headstones and then there is a need to haul the snow out.

The committee was requested to look at the cemetery sexton sales and re-adjust the policy as needed.


The bids for the tractor were open with the following results. 

John Deere – Murphy & Gustafson – cost-43,000, trade-in-3,000, final cost-40,000

John Deere – Curtis & Son – cost-44,300, trade-in-3,500, final cost-40,800

Case – Polo Equipment – cost-44,375, trade-in-6,500, final cost-37,875

Massey – Fulton – cost-50,574, trade-in-5,000, final cost-45,574

New Holland – Peabody’s – cost-47,200, trade-in-4,300, final cost-42,900

 Discussion included mechanics, travel distance for parts and repair and parts availability.

It was suggested that the members look at the final two tractors before making a decision. They will get together and look at Murphy & Gustafson and Polo Equipment.  Decision will be made at a later date.

Rob has requested permission to buy a fold-up kennel for any at-large dogs that he has to keep for the weekends.  All animals must be restrained and kept out of bad weather.  He suggested a fold up kennel to put in one of the bays at the building.  The committee asked Rob to check prices and get with them on a final cost.  If committee ok’s the cost he may purchase.


The police car is in the garage for several days for maintenance and to repair the damaged bumper.


 No report.

 Old Business


 New Business

 Received a letter from Jim Sacia requesting that he join one of our board meetings to discuss issues and exchange ideas.

 Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm by Larry.  Second by Todd.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk


March 7, 2005


January 3, 2005