February 6, 2006

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Brian Schiess, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the January meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Larry.

Second by Dave S.

Motion Carried.

 The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.

Motion Second by Brian.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Dave S.

Second by Dave D.

Motion carried.

Transfer of funds-none

  Financial Report


 Mary Aurand was present to request a beer garden for Friday and Saturday night, August 4th and 5th, during Homecoming weekend. She has requested to block off the alley behind Little John’s Tap for the beer garden, with bands playing each night from 8:30 to 12:30. Motion was made by Larry to approve the temporary alley closure for the beer garden on Friday and Saturday night of Homecoming weekend.  Motion second by Dave D.  Motion carried.

Sally Tyrer and Kay Gipe were present to request opening of a business in a residential area. They were informed that this request will need to go through the zoning board which consists of President Knoup, chairman from the finance committee and chairman from the streets & Alley committee.

President Knoup had requested that they get signatures from the neighbors and present them to the board. No decision can be made immediately and the board would need to set a public hearing date.

The property is at 105 South St and the business would contain a bakery/ floral/gifts and spices. This would be only part-time hours. Sally and Kay have applied for a small business grant and do not anticipate any response for 60-90 days.

The board will review the request, but will not hold a public hearing until we are notified by Kay and Sally that they wish to continue forward.

Marion Eden was present representing the Lutheran Church.  The church is requesting a variance to reduce the setback of their expansion from 7feet to 3 feet.  They informed the board that they have spoke with the neighbors and there were no objections.

 A motion was made by Brian to approve the variance from 7ft set back to 3 ft setback for the expansion of the Lutheran Church.  Motion second by Dave D.  Roll call vote as follows: Todd-yes, Dave-yes, Brian-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes. Let the record show 5-yes and 0-no. 1-absent.

 Maintenance Report

See attached report

 Streets & Alleys

Fehr & Graham request any changes for the street plan fro this summer.  The committee is meeting with Tom to finalize the plan for the March meeting with bids to be let in April.

Rob noted that we need to hire out to do some ditch work.

The committee suggested that we earmark the motor fuel tax fund for the next curb & gutter street. (Streets to be determined)

The committee is looking for suggestions on how to get homeowners to replace sidewalks in town. The committee suggested that we start redoing the sidewalks and have the village pay with allotted monies. More discussion is needed before any decision is made.


Bids were opened for the Water project on North St. from Highway 73 to the old milk plant.  There were 4 bids – Fischer @ $38,478.92, Loberg’s @ $31,863.00, Oppold @ $32,872.50 and Civil @ $53,494.00.

Motion was made by the committee to accept the low bid from Loberg’s @ $31,863.00 and continue with the project.  Motion second by Dave S.  Motion carried.


 There has been a problem with the center plots at the cemetery.  Originally these were sold as 6-plots, but with the law that all burials need to be in vaults, there is not enough room for 6 vaults on the plot.

The family of Marsden Kluck has been advised that there is no longer room for the 6th vault, but a cremation urn would be allowed.

It has been requested that Angie leave the cemetery plot book at the Village Building and that all sales be entered into the computer.

The committee will need to look at options for the ongoing problems with plot sales.


The committee has no further estimates on a wooden structure to replace the metal buildings at the Village Hall.  Rob is in the process of re-wiring the bays at the Village Building.


No Report


 Old Business

 The board has heard the first reading of the Burning Ordinance.  Any changes need to be brought forward at the March meeting before final approval.

The committee made a motion to give Rob a 75 cent per hour increase effective January 1, 2006. This will give him an annual income of $37,731.00 plus $5,000.00 per year for major medical insurance.  Motion was second by Todd.  Motion carried.

The committees would like an updated list of responsibilities for each season.

Rob needs to make a project plan for summer help.  The board feels that if he can maintain the project list without summer help he could get a bonus for the extra workload.

The Police committee made a motion to increase the police salary from $14.00 per hour to $15.00 per hour effective February 1, 2006.  Motion second by Brian.  Motion carried.

 New Business

 Summer help will be addressed at the March meeting.

The Fire Department has requested a donation for their annual Fireman’s Dance.  Dave made a motion to give up to $500.00 from the band fund for payment of the band at the annual Fireman’s Dance.  Motion second by Todd.  Motion carried.

 Manzullo has requested area support to block the move of all postal mail sorting from Rockford to Palatine.  Larry made a motion to support a resolution to block the move of the mail sorting facility from Rockford to Palatine.  Motion second by Todd.  Roll call vote as follows: Todd-yes, Dave-yes, Brian-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes. Let the record show 5-yes and 0-no. 1-absent.

 Motion to adjourn at 7:40 pm by Larry.

Second by Todd.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



March 6, 2006


January 3, 2006