February 5, 2019

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup

Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Dave Dixon, Will Backus, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

The minutes from the January meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Dave.  Motion Carried.

The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with additions and corrections made. Second by Bob.  Motion carried.

Mat made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Larry.

Mat made a motion to transfer $5,000.00 from Sales tax fund to the General account.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Financial Report

Maintenance Report

Rob had to have the water chlorine pump repaired and has been inspected and back in use.


Adam-Fehr Graham did not attend the meeting and President Knoup reviewed the ongoing projects.

Buy-Out: We are ready to close on two of the remaining homes. A third property has declined the buyout offer. One property needs to complete additional paper work before an offer is extended. The final check for the funeral home demolition has been mailed to us and we should receive it within two weeks.

Sidewalk Program: Fehr Graham will be meeting with the state to begin close out of the program.

President Knoup also noted that the Motor Fuel Tax paperwork for street maintenance will be going to the state this month for approval.


There has been a concern regarding motor bikes and snowmobiles riding through the retention ponds. Since these ponds are on private property the owners will need to address this and advise the police if they want action taken.

Bob noted that there are vehicles parked on the sidewalk and requested that Fred speak with the homeowners regarding this so as to keep the sidewalk open.


Rob noted that he had a water main break on a line that is not used and located at the back lot of the school parking lot.  He will wait for a day that school is not in session to complete the fix on the line.


No report


Will advised the board that he met with the Greenspace committee and that both parties are in agreement with planning for the next step. Wil will move forward with draft copies of inter-governmental agreements with the Park District for the Prairie Walking path.  Wil has asked that Rob look at seeding prices and Wil will contact the U of I extension to discuss any questions or concerns for the prairie area.


It has been requested that we add more parking/snow removal signs downtown on Main St.


Old Business

With Harry Bowen purchasing the vacant home on North St he will need to be notified of the sidewalk ordinance regarding snow removal.

Spring Clean Up day is set for May 4th 8am to 2pm with the same restrictions on items as the past years.

New Business

President Knoup noted that there is a group of individuals that is interested in starting the Community Development program again. They have requested that the board look into what the village could do to help them to get started. President Knoup questioned whether any left-over money from the buy-out could be used elsewhere for gain to the community. He will check into this and continue to work with the Development committee.

 President Knoup noted that we will need to restructure our TIF incentives for the new TIF starting in 2020.  We need to survey the community for ideas on what they would like to see in the village.  Jamie suggested adding a questionnaire to the Water coupon mailing in May.

Bob and Rob discussed the plow truck and the repairs needed on the hydraulics. Board members felt it was time to replace the 2008 truck.  Rob and the committee will look to replace the plow for next winter season.

Rob has requested that we give the part time snow removal employees an increase in wages.

Mat discussed the possibility of looking into a new accounting firm.  Jamie has requested that we not change as she now has all the accounts set up correctly for Oconnor Brooks.  We would need to thoroughly look at all options before considering a change.

Motion was made by Will to go into executive session at 7:45 for the purpose of personnel evaluations. Motion second by Larry.  Motion carried.

Motion was made by Bob at 8:00 to go into regular session.  Motion second by Larry.

Motion was made to increase the part time snow removal wages to $15.00 per hour retroactive to January 1st with roll call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Will-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes.  Let the record show 5-yes, 0-no and 1-absent.

Motion was made to re-hire the same three part-time summer help for the upcoming season.  Roll call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Will-no, Dave-yes, Larry-yes.  Let the record show 4-yes, 1-no and 1-absent.

Dave made a motion to increase Rob’s wage by 3% retroactive to January 1st. Motion second by Mat with roll call as follows: Dave-yes, Larry-yes, Will-yes, Mat-yes, Bob-yes.  Let the record show 5-yes, 0-no and 1-absent.

It was determined to table the discussion regarding the clerk and treasurer wages.


Motion to adjourn at 8:05 by Will, Second by Bob.  Motion carried

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk




March 1, 2019


January 7, 2019