April 4, 2005

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Dave Dixon, Jim Westaby, Brian Schiess, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

 The minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Dave S.

Second by Jim.

Motion Carried.

 The committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.

Motion Second by Brian.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Jim.

Second by Dave D.

Motion carried.

 Transfer of funds-none needed

 Financial Report

 No further report


 Scott Gross was present to represent the Yellow Creek Inn.  He is requesting a street closure for his annual Block Party on June 10th and 11th.

He would like to close off Devore St. east of Hwy 73 for the evening entertainment and beer garden.  The alley would be open for traffic. There will be normal bar hours for the weekend.

Brian made a motion to grant Yellow Creek Inn permission to block off Devore St for the weekend of June 11-12 with the same provisions as outlined the previous year, with the exception that the entertainment (band) will not play after 12:30 am.

Motion second by Dave D.  Motion carried.

Maintenance Report

Rob will be flushing hydrants on the first and third Friday of each month beginning in April.

Streets & Alleys

 The committee has a cost estimate of $16,268.30 for the street plan for 2005.  Fehr & Graham have mapped the streets for improvements to include Dori Drive, S. First St, N. First St and Garfield St. Several other areas may be added by the committee as they feel it is needed.  The committee has an annual budget of $20,000.00 for the annual street plan.

Motion was made by the committee to proceed with the street plan as outlined by Fehr & Graham, with a total limit of $20,000.00.  Motion second by Todd.   Motion carried.

The committee will have someone come in and cut out the drop box on Main St. so that the hole can be repaired properly.



 Ed Stubbe will be mowing the cemetery this year for the same price of $125.00 per mow. Notice will be given to remove all decorations before April 22nd.


The committee has ordered the extra equipment for the new tractor with the expected ship date of May 12th.

The annual Clean-up Day will be May 7th from 8am to 3pm. Notice will be posted.

Bob has ordered the new planter for the library.  The cost of the planter was $448.40.


Reports of persons driving through the football field.  Bob will speak with the police on this matter.


 No report.

 Old Business

 We had three applicants for the summer maintenance help. Jim made a motion to hire Jace Kempel again for his 2nd summer at minimum wage of $6.50 per hour. Motion second by Todd.  Motion carried. 

Motion was made by Dave S. to use Matt Mullen as an alternative if Jace did not want the position.  Motion second by Dave D.  Motion carried.

 New Business

 Bill Liebenstein approached President Knoup requesting a donation for the Legion-Lions Homecoming.  Previous years we have given $1,200 from the band fund to cover their entertainment and an additional $300 to cover the Village floats.

Jim made the motion to donate $1,200 for the entertainment and $300 for float expenses to the Legion-Lions Homecoming.  Motion second by Dave S.  Motion carried.

 Todd made a motion to request a $400.00 donation for the Firemen to cover the band expense for their annual dance.  Motion second by Dave S.  Motion carried.

All donations will be paid from the Band fund for the purposes of entertainment.

President Knoup spoke with the board on an idea that was brought forward regarding the building of a new community center to house the Fire

Department, Legion and the Village offices.  This idea is only in the talking stage and will need full support from all three units. Bob will meet with the Legion on April 21st.

 Motion to adjourn at 7:45 pm by Todd.  Second by Jim.

Motion carried.


Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



May 2, 2005


March 7, 2005