April 3, 2017

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup

Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

The minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Dave. Motion Carried.

The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with changes. Second by Larry. Motion carried.

Mat made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Bob. Motion carried.

Mat made a motion made to transfer $7,000 from Sales Tax account to the General fund.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.

 Financial Report

Jaime noted that the approved transfer of funds from March was not needed and did not get transferred.

Jaime reported that Jacobs office informed her that they have determined that there is a $900 TIF revenue from increased value with the Kempel/Urish TIF application. Their office is recommending $800 per year for ten years.  The TIF has not been extended at this time and we have 4 years left. Mat made a motion to reimburse Kempel/Urish $800 per year for no longer than ten years or the life of the TIF if no extension is granted by the state.  Motion second by Dave. Roll call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes.  Let the record show 4-yes, 0-no and 2-absent.

Maintenance Report

Rob reported that the siren is working and it is protected by a reset for over/under voltage. 

He noted that the chlorine booster pump is ready to go.

There is one aerator pump that needs to be pulled from the lagoon. There are two operational. Rob reported that he will need to hire someone to pull the pump.

The 2011 snow plow will need some repairs. The plow does not go up. The street sweeper is ready to go and in good repair.

Rob noted that he cannot remove the clock from downtown as this needs to be done with several people.

Rob reported that the easements for the sidewalk program are in and Fehr Graham will set the bid letting later this month.


Friends of Mill Pond were present and informed the board of tasks that they would like to complete at Mill Pond in April. The group also had a list of items that they cannot complete and requested that Rob do it. (weed spraying, empty trash cans) Rob requested that plants and bushes need to be moved away from the lift station so that there is room to bring in a boom truck when he needs to pull pumps. He also requested trees and bushed that are planted near the sewer lines be removed to prevent damage to the lines.  Bob made a motion to give permission for the group to complete the April list as presented to the board.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.

President Knoup noted that they may go through the committee (Bob Asche) with future requests and the committee will approve and/or bring it back to the board if needed.


No report


We have late water bills and the committee would like to be more consistent with water shut off notices.


No report


The shop will be getting a new heater installed by Superior Heating. NiCor also has rebates available and Superior will apply for them for the village.


Larry reported that we have had good coverage the past few months. President Knoup noted that an area town is paying their part time officers 25 cents more per hour.  The board discussed that this is not significant enough to merit an increase in the hourly wages at this time.


The board has three requests that will need to be voted on at the May meeting.

Old Business

President Knoup reported that new committees will be set up after the election.

The TIF extension has had two readings in the Springfield session. It needs a third reading before it is voted on.

New Business

Summer help will be tabled until the May meeting.  We have rehired Derek Sturtevant for a second year.

President Knoup reported that it may be another two years before Illinois passes a budget. When funds are released for the buy-out we will need to do another title search on each property, contract demolition and make plans for landscaping.

Motion to adjourn at 7:45 by Bob

Second by Larry.  Motion carried

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk


May 5, 2017


March 6, 2017