April 3, 2006
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Dave Schirmer, Jim Westby, Brian Schiess, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Larry.
Second by Dave S.
Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.
Motion Second by Jim.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Jim.
Second by Brian.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds-none
Financial Report
Scott Gross from Yellow Creek Inn was present to request a street closure for June 9th and 10th for their annual party. He is requesting from Friday at 5pm thru Sunday at noon.
Motion was made by Larry to grant permission to block East Devore St. on June 9th at 5pm thru Sunday June 11th at noon, with access to the alley at all times. Motion second by Dave S. Motion carried.
Maintenance Report
See attached report
Streets & Alleys
Bid letting for the Street Plan will be held April 20th at 10am.
Discussion on changes to be made for the Sidewalk Program included having the Village pay for the concrete cost and not give a per square money amount. This will give the Village a slightly higher pay out with hopes that residents will take advantage of the program. Also suggested putting in a guideline amount for total amount the Village would payout per summer. It was noted that the resident will need to pay the sidewalk bill first, and then get a reimbursement from the Village.
Larry made a motion to allow the Street and Alley committee to set up the final sidewalk program for Village residents. Motion second by Dave S. Motion carried.
Rob noted in his report the advantage of adding polyphosphate in the water to reduce the lime scale build-up and to prevent red water. The committee elected at this time not to add more chemicals to the water supply.
Earlier discussion regarding the sexton job was brought forward and the committee felt it was time to eliminate the sexton job and have all duties and responsibilities turned over to the Village Hall. The duties would become part of the maintenance job and board members if needed.
Members feel the families would be better served by the Village Hall since most duties have to be done in a very short time frame.
Jim made a motion to eliminate the Cemetery Sexton position and have the duties and responsibilities given to the Village Hall maintenance effective April 3, 2006. Roll Call vote as follows: Dave S.-yes, Jim-yes, Brian-yes, Dave D.-yes, Larry-yes. Let the record show 5-yes, 0-no, and 1-absent.
All decorations must be removed from the Cemetery by April 30th so that spring mowing can begin.
Rob has drafted a letter which he would like to use for residents who do not clean-up around their house and yard. There have been several complaints made and this would only state the fact that the Village has a Rubbish Ordinance. A copy of the ordinance would be sent with each letter. The letter would be a considered a courtesy letter or first offense. The Building and Grounds committee will warrant whom the letters will be sent to.
Rob has requested to send several letters now to coincide with the Annual Spring Clean-up in May.
Fred Cass will get coverage for the Homecoming Parade. The committee noted that we are still having problems with an oil leak in the squad car and informed Fred to take the car to an alternate shop for repair.
President Knoup discussed the numerous break-ins that Lena and rural areas have been seeing recently. He wanted the board members to be informed and to watch for suspicious activity.
The new applications have been delivered to the businesses for license renewals due this month.
Old Business
Clean-up Day has been set for May 13th from 8am to 3pm.
The committee did check into a curbside pick up, but determined it was too expensive.
New Business
President Knoup discussed with the members the $400,000 available to the County for Brownfield grant clean up. The Village has several locations submitted to the committee for approval. President Knoup was asked to sit on the advisory board for the county’s committee to help with the disbursement of the monies. The locations selected will have to meet the criteria for environmental clean up. If money is granted the owners may not deny the cleanup.
President Knoup will continue discussion of land acquisition with several outside persons and what options the Village may have if grant money is given.
We have received a letter from Terry Groves regarding a grant he is applying for to help with flood areas in the county. The water and sewer committee will work with Terry on this grant.
The Lion’s Club will be holding a consignment auction at the school on June 10th if anyone is interested in bringing items to them.
Motion was made by Brian to accept the application for summer help from Adam Tillis. Motion second by Larry. Motion carried.
Cedarville has approached Rob to do a one time street seep for them. They will pay the Village $1,500 for the job. Members felt it was a good idea and payment would cover cost of maintenance on the sweeper.
Larry made the motion to allow Rob to go to Cedarville with the street sweeper, on our time clock, to do their streets one time only if allowed by our insurance carrier. Motion second by Brian. Motion carried. Jamie will check into insurance to make sure we are covered outside our limits.
The finance committee requested executive session at 8:25 for personnel wage increases.
All members present for regular meeting were present for executive session.
Motion to go out of executive session and into regular session by Larry at 8:45. Motion second by Jim. Motion carried.
Motion was made in regular session to increase the clerk and treasurer wages by $1,000 to become effective May 1, 2006 by Larry. Second by Jim with roll call vote as follows: Dave S.-yes, Jim-yes, Dave D.-yes, Brian-yes, Larry-yes. Let the record show 5-yes, 0-no and 1-absent.
Motion to adjourn at 9:00 pm by Larry.
Second by Jim.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk