April 2, 2012


Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Rusty Liebenstein, Jim Westaby, Bill Eaton, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville, and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Dave.

Second by Rusty. Motion Carried.

The minutes from the February 21, 2012 special meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Dave.  Second by Larry.  Motion carried.

The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented. Second by Bill. Motion carried.

No transfer of funds needed.

Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Larry. Motion carried.

 Financial Report


Ryan Welles, Viridian Energy, was present to inform the board members of options for purchasing electric without going through Com-Ed.  He noted that electric energy has been deregulated and the public now has a choice in their electric supplier.

Viridian can make the switch for the public and they would only have one bill each month.  There is no exit fee or contract and can be cancelled at any time.

Viridian has a Renewable Program that gives dollars back to the wind farms in the area.

Non-Profit Organizations can get money back if they promote and sign up Viridian to their customers.

An average bill can see a savings up to $10 per month. Com-Ed will still maintain service issues and power outages and should be called for any problems with these.

 Matt from Fehr-Graham was present to review two drawings for new sidewalks in the downtown area. Each design needs to meet State specifications and will need final approval from the State before we can begin.  Due to all the specifications this will become a very expensive project.  Public members reviewed the drawings and gave their input as to which they preferred.  No decision was made as these were preliminary drawings and nothing has been approved by the State.

 Maintenance Report

 Streets & Alleys

 The committee met with Fischer’s regarding the drop box at the school which needs to be replaced.

The installation of the new tube at the Park District will be done by us and Bob will do the inspection.  The Park District had no issues with us installing a second tube.

Fehr-Graham noted that the filled in retention pond would not help due to the elevation of Heinrich’s house.  The village will re-grade his yard to help eliminate standing water.


New coupon books will be sent out to the residents. The committee made a motion to increase the Water & Sewer by 25 cents effective with the June bill coupon.

The abandoned well was referred to the State’s Attorney Office on February 24, 2012.  Their office has requested that we give them 90 days for review and research of the well.


 No report


Clean up day will be May 12th from 8am to 2pm.  The Boy Scouts will be helping to unload vehicles.

The committee is looking to purchase a new weed whip.


 Motion was made by Dave to approve the Ordinance for hiring Part-time police officers.  Motion second by Larry.  Roll call vote as follows, Rusty-yes, Jim-yes, Bill-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes. Let the record show 5-yes and 1-absent.


Application renewals have been delivered to the businesses.

 Old Business

 We have signed the application for Waste Water loan assistance.  The application is valid for several years and we will keep it on file if needed for future work. (Due to potential buy-out or other changes to be determined by FEMA the Waste Water upgrade project has been put on hold)

We have signed a request with the Army Corp of Engineers for their assistance with the flooding problems.  Area County officials have created the newly formed Yellow Creek Watershed Committee to work with the Army Corp of Engineers to bring changes or improvements to help eliminate the flooding problems.  The University of Illinois would like to be included in the committee to attend meetings and help as needed.

Tax and property tax numbers requested by the board members are here for review.  Board members may review them but copies will not be distributed.

The TIF Reimbursement agreement for the MK Rental building has been completed.

The FOIA request for the Goldmine Tributary project has been completed by Fehr-Graham and sent to the Attorney General’s Office.

 New Business

The Journal Standard has announced that we have been rated number 2 as the Best nearby Small Town.

The board has received a request for TIF Reimbursement by Yellow Creek Quilt Designs.  Motion to approve the application for reimbursement was made by Bill.  Second by Larry.  Motion carried.

The Mortgage companies for the vacant homes need to be advised of their responsibility for mowing the lots as needed.

The board has received a bill from Mike Volkers for reimbursement for a tree that he had trimmed in January.  The tree is on Village property in front of his home.  Board members discussed that this was not pre-approved and not brought to the board for the committee to make arrangements for the trimming. The committee will speak with Mike regarding the board’s discussion not to reimburse the fees.

  Motion to adjourn at 8:20 pm by Larry.

Second by Bill.

Motion carried.


Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk


May 7, 2012


March 5, 2012