April 1, 2019

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup

Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Dave Dixon, Will Backus, Larry Johnson and Jamie Melville.

The minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Dave. Second by Bob.  Motion Carried.

The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with additions and corrections made. Second by Mat.  Motion carried.

Dave made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Mat.

Bob made a motion to transfer $5,000.00 from Sales Tax to the General account.  Motion second by Larry.  Motion carried.

Mat made a motion to increase the Water & Sewer fees by 25 cents. (Annual increase) Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Financial Report

Maintenance Report

The Fire Dept has been working on the siren to update the frequencies.  They may need to take it down and have it sent out.

Rob noted that the home inspections will not begin until this fall.


Tom Schultz was present to discuss the berm behind his property.  He states that he gets everyone’s garbage when the water runs through it. He invested about $400.00 a few years ago and the berm is washing away now and needs to be reseeded. President Knoup will have the engineers look at it as a first step for resolution.

Kade Knoup reported that he would like to do a beautification project downtown for his Eagle Scout project. He is proposing 14 pole brackets and installation of hanging flower baskets.  The baskets are $55.00 each and the brackets are $140.00 each for an approximate total of $3,500.00.  He states that he could begin the project right away. Kade will meet with a master gardener to see what plants would be best in the baskets. Board members questioned who would maintain them. It was determined that Rob and the summer help be responsible for the upkeep. They are proposing to move Mr. Visel’s greenhouse to the school.  Future flowers could be grown there for the baskets.

Motion was made by Will to purchase the brackets and baskets, to be purchased from the Public Benefit account and the Gaming account.  Motion second by Dave.  Roll call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Will-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes.  Let the record show 5-yes, 1-absent and 0-no.


Rob needs dirt by the corner of Dori and Summit St. He will also be ordering new signs for No Parking by the school and Snow Ordinance signs for Main St.

Rob has been filling holes in the Co-Op parking lot. President Knoup has spoken to the manager regarding the resurfacing of the lot. This is not a Village street and is the responsibility of the property owner. The post Office owner is also responsible for their portion of the lot.


The committee is looking into meters or the apartment buildings and businesses.


Work has begun on cleanup, but right now it is too wet to continue.


There has been dock damage from the flooding and freezing. Total repair would be approximately $10,000.00.  Will is talking to the disaster relief to see if we can get approved.  If we are not approved, we will need to look into removal or repair.  We may look at moving or adding an aerator under the dock which would help with freezing.

Rob is looking at permits to re-route the edges of the creek through the proposed Nature Area.

Will be looking at using a UV dye to help train the geese to stay in a certain area so as to keep the feces contained to that area.


No report


Yearly applications have been distributed to the businesses.

Old Business

Bonnell Industries informed Rob that a new plow truck would take nearly a year to get.  The committee will look into other options.

New Business

President Knoup had an inquiry about opening up a street in the Brady Subdivision between Tim Martens and the apartment building.  President Knoup will not address this request until there is a commitment from the individual as to what his intentions will be.

Motion to adjourn at 8:26 by Larry, Second by Dave.  Motion carried

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk

Minutes taken by Jamie Melville and written by Cheryl Liebenstein




May 5, 2019


March 1, 2019