September 2, 2008

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Matt Diehl, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson and Cheryl Liebenstein.

The minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.

Second by Larry.

Motion Carried.

 The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented.

Motion Second by Jim.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Matt.

Motion carried.

 Transfer of funds: The committee made a motion to zero out the balance of the Motor Fuel Tax for the street maintenance bill, with the remaining balance of the bill to be paid by a transfer from the TIF fund.  Motion second by Jim.  Motion carried.

 Financial Report


 Dal Murray was present representing the Fire District to discuss the option of the Village Board obtaining space within the Fire department’s new building.  Dal presented the board members with a rough draft of the new building with a 16 x 66 foot for the Village to use to house the Police car and also have office space and meeting room.

Board members are in agreement with the idea of the space in the building with the Fire department.  At this time they are asking the Fire department to get a quote on the building price and we will check on pricing for excavating of the lot.

Motion was made by Jim to approve our support to the Fire Department and the option of the new building.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Maintenance Report

Streets & Alleys

 No report


 It was reported that we are having problems with radio signal interference at the water reservoir, which is not allowing the reservoir to run properly.  Rob will coordinate a meeting between all parties to find out where the interference is happening.

 It was requested that President Knoup see if the State would lower a drop box at the site of the bridge on RT. 73 which is allowing standing water in the adjoining driveway.


No report


Request was made for police patrol on weekend early am due to the possibility of trespassing on the lagoons for geese hunting.


No report


 Old Business

 We received a bid from PDC for the upgrade of the streetlight poles and light fixtures.  It was estimated to be $2,130.00 per pole for sandblasting and repainting of pole and new light fixture.

The committee discussed the option of new poles and fixtures with all new wiring instead of just doing a facelift. 

Larry made a motion to get bids for new downtown street lights and poles.

Motion second by Dave.  Motion second.

President Knoup will contact Fehr-Graham and have them get started with the bid process.

Jim noted that he was having problems with the Fire Store and the new siren.  At this time he is unsure if the siren will even be delivered. 

The committee will continue with the siren project and reorder from another vendor if need be.

 New Business

Board members will be checking with area villages and cities regarding our board wages and if any adjustments should be made before the consolidated election.

 Motion to adjourn at 8:25 pm by Larry.

Second by Todd.

Motion carried.


Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



October 6, 2008


August 8, 2008