November 2, 2009
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: president Knoup, Rusty Liebenstein, Jim westaby, Mat Diehl, Brian schiess, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent
by Jim.
Second by Rusty.
Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented. Second
by Jim.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim. second by Mat. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Mat to transfer $5,000 to the General account from Sales account. Motion second by Larry. Motion carried.
Financial Report
Jon Schubert was here from oconor,Brooks to do an overview of the village audit for fiscal year 2009. The report stated that our total revenues increased by 4.2156 with our total expenditures at an increase of 4.59%. This was mainly due to the higher cost of street repairs and maintenance projects. Overall there was an increase in the net assets of approx. 2.8%.
Maintenance Report
There will be an extra fee to remove the tower foundation and cap the water mai n.
The building at the cemetery has not been removed yet. Rusty will contact Dalvin regarding the removal.
streets & Alleys
Residents affected by the overall construction of the Center/John St. project have noted that their basements are dryer since the new sewer system and curb and gutter has been completed.
The winter supply of salt is here. Leaf clean up is looking good and nearing the end of pickup.
The committee has received reference material to read regarding the capping of the old well at the Milk Plant.
New plaques are here for the memorial trees, cost was $300.00 or $15.00 per plaque. These new plaques will replace the current red plaques.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS no report Pol i ce
The committee has decided that we will not purchase "snow" tires for the Durango. The committee is looking for input on the topic of allowing golf carts etc. to run on the village streets. Currently State law does not allow these types of vehicles on the road unless village ordinances have been passed to allow such activity. After discussion, Brian made a motion to take a vote to pursue an ordinance to bring back to the board for comments before any vote would be taken for passage. Motion second by Dave, Roll call vote as follows: Larry-no, Dave-yes, Brian-yes, Jim-yes, Mat-yes, Rusty-no, record shows tie vote with President Knoup as deciding vote. President Knoup-yes. Let the record show 4-yes and 3-no.
Old Business
President Knoup will begin working on a lease with the Fire Department to payoff our $193,000.00 in a 3-4 year time span.
it was suggested that since the village will be allowed a 25% allowance from Com-Ed for electric service that we would give the 25% to the Fire Department and also not charge them the monthly water and sewer charge.
New Business
no new business brought forward.
Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm by Larry. Second by Rusty. Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein village clerk