June 4, 2018


Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup

Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim. Second by Mat. Motion Carried.

The minutes from the TIF Joint Review were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim. Second by Bob.  Motion carried.

The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented. Second by Mat. Motion carried.

Jim made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Larry.

No transfer of funds needed.

Financial Report

Dave presented the Appropriation Ordinance to the board. The total Appropriations was $3,451,675.00. Dave noted that Oconnor Brooks (Jon) reviewed the ordinance and made several changes.

Mat made a motion to accept the Appropriation Ordinance as presented.  Second by Jim.  Roll call vote as follows.  Jim-yes, Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes.  Let the record show 5-yes, 0-no and 1 absent.

Maintenance Report


Visitors questioned where the placement of the sidewalk was going to be on Walgren Rd. The board noted that there was no decision on which side of the road. This will be an expensive addition as it was not included in the grant for the rest of the sidewalk work.  When a decision is made the board will hold a public meeting before any work would begin. It may be another year or two before this would be completed.


There is a tree that needs to be removed at Lions Park near the Keltner residence.


Jim met with the engineer and discussed the well sire by the old milk plant. The engineer recommends that we find a new site for a well.  He noted that we could apply for a state loan which we would have to repay 50% or we could earmark TIF money.  The engineer will put together cost/construction numbers for us.

Rob noted that the Cross-Connection survey will be mailed to each resident. He would like to see the surveys returned. If the survey is not returned Rob will need to schedule a home inspection.


No report


The mower is still getting maintenance.  Rob noted that Friends of Mill Pond have not been to Mill Pond to do any work.  At this time Rob is doing all the maintenance.


We have had a request for an ATV license sticker to an out of town person. It was noted that we have issued permits before. There was also a request to lower the driving age for golf carts from 18 to 16.


No report

Old Business

The board reviewed the Chicken Ordinance and recommended to make the following changes.  Initial fee will be $75.00 and $25.00 per year thereafter. Motion was made by Mat to accept the Chicken Ordinance with the above-mentioned changes.  Motion second by Dave.  Roll Call vote as follows: Dave-yes, Larry-yes, Jim-no, Mat-yes, Bob-no. Let the record show 3-yes, 2-no and 1-absent

Officer Cass will need to follow up with existing chicken owners to enforce the new ordinance.

We are still waiting on the Blighted Property ordinance from the attorney.

New Business

Cross Roads Church will be holding their Love your neighbor day in Pearl City on July 15th.  They will come to help others as needed. Yard clean up, painting, etc. Contact the church or /Gator at Hometown Motors.

The board is requesting that the church provide a post that we can share on social media and the website.

Loran township is requesting that board members attend one of their meetings to discuss TIF options for them.

Jim made a motion to pay an additional bill for Robert Hasselman.  Motion second by Bob.  Motion carried.

We will need to send a plant to the new owners of Little John’s Tap.

The board will need to review our hiring and denial process for summer help for next year. 

 Motion to adjourn at 8:15 by Bob, Second by Larry.  Motion carried

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk


July 2, 2018


May 7, 2018