July 5, 2011

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Mat Diehl, Rusty Liebenstein, Jim Westaby, Bill Eaton, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

The minutes from the June meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Rusty.

Second by Bill.

Motion Carried.

The minutes from the June 23th Special meeting were reviewed and accepted by Jim.  Second by Larry.  Motion carried.

 The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented.

Second by Jim.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Rusty.

Second by Dave.

Motion carried.

No transfer of funds needed.

 Financial Report

Mat presented the Appropriations to the board members for review.  Motion made by Jim to accept the Appropriations as presented by Mat.  Motion second by Bill.  Roll call vote as follows: Rusty-aye, Mat-aye, Jim-aye, Bill-aye, Dave-aye, Larry-aye.  Let the record show 6-aye, 0-nay and 0-absent.


Brent Schneider was present to discuss problems that we are having with the fire siren.  There have been complaints on the siren sounding during the night and going off for long periods of time.  The fire department is requesting that the fire siren be scaled back to only wind up and sound twice. The fire department will have a kill switch installed at the fire station so that it can be manually turned off when they arrive.

Brent will have the siren worked on to help avoid future problems.

Maintenance Report

PDC will write a grant for the Village for an upgrade to the downtown lights.  This grant would allow us to convert to LED light heads.

Rob is requesting a plan for the Handicap Pier at Mill Pond. Discussion turned to how much should be spent to rebuild the pier to include approved dimensions for handicap access. Motion was made by Bill to approve the committee to spend no more than $10,000 on the pier. Motion second by Jim.  Roll call vote as follows: Bill-yes, Dave-no, Larry-no, Rusty-yes, Mat-no, Jim-yes. Tie vote and President Knoup voted no.  Motion denied.

Motion was made by Mat to approve to spend no more than $6,000 for the pier.  Motion second by Rusty.  Roll call vote as follows: Bill-yes, Rusty-yes, Mat-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes, Jim-yes.  Let the record show 6-yes and 0-no.

It was noted that the Park District had canoes on Mill Pond.  Jamie was requested to check with our insurance on coverage.

 Streets & Alleys

 Several areas on the streets have been patched with cold patch. We will be able to add on two more sections of street since our flood plan project is a much lower cost than estimated.


Dave reported that the milk plant problem should be resolved by the August meeting.


 We have lost a couple more Memorial trees at the cemetery.  The trees will not be replaced at this time.


 The chemical/lab/meter buildings have been removed at the sewer lagoons.



Old Business

The Flood Model Plan has been bid and let with the bid going to Loberg Excavating.

Mat ran a survey for the last month regarding the use of golf carts within the village limits. The survey had 65 responses with 35 yes and 30 no.  The survey is open to all persons so we cannot determine how many of these votes were actual village residents. Motion was made by Dave to table the discussion on the ATV/Golf cart ordinance until the next meeting.

Board members and Fred Cass are to review the latest ordinance and bring any changes to the August meeting for discussion.

 New Business

We will have the Business Revitalization forms updated with help from the TIF lawyers.   Brinkmeier Plumbing has filled out a form and submitted their work.  Jamie will submit this to Tom Jacobs for review and acceptance.

 Motion to adjourn at 8:30 pm by Bill.

Second by Larry.

Motion carried.


Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



August 1, 2011


June 6, 2011