February 6, 2017

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup

Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Will Backus, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

The minutes from the January meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Dave. Motion Carried.

The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with changes. Second by Bob. Motion carried.

Mat made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Larry. Motion carried.

Mat made a motion made to transfer $16,000 from Sales Tax account to the General fund.  Motion second by Larry.  Motion carried.

 Financial Report

Mat reminded the board members that he will be working on the Appropriations and that members should let him know of any projects or increased bills with their committee.

Maintenance Report

See attached report


Tina Endress was present representing Friends of Mill Pond. She noted that Denver Seargent will be completing his Eagle Scout project. He is to complete the metal bridge at Mill Pond.  Denver will line up the materials and bring a cost estimate to the board.

Classmates of Melissa Brady would like to add a grill at the pond in her memory. Heidi Pena oversees this if board members need more information on type and placement of the grill.

The Friends of Mill Pond will be putting a sign for the pond in Sharon Kurth’s yard.  They are requesting that the Village add a sign to the street post at Rte. 73 and Goldmine.


Rob has filled the pot holes and asked members to let him know of any other spots in town that need repair. Rob has also ordered more salt.


One aerator is down at the lagoon due to the electrical under voltage from January 21st.  Rob noted that the storm siren is also down due to the same problem.  He will send these in for repair. Jamie will contact the insurance company to inform them of a possible claim.  President Knoup noted that he will contact Com-Ed regarding liability of the issue.

Kelsey Excavating is done at the lagoon except for a few minor items.


No report


No Report


The lights have been fixed on the squad


No report

Old Business

The board members had a committee meeting with Dave Young, NIDA, regarding the Stephenson County Community Development program. Members discussed concerns with village boundaries and land available for growth. NIDA would be willing to come to the village and do a survey and help with bringing ideas in for growth. NIDA feels the village should only spot zone Rte. 73 as needed for businesses. NIDA will work with the village for no cost.

Will is still working on the Travel Expense ordinance and will present to the board at the March meeting.

 New Business

Question was raised regarding the decriminalization of marijuana.  The village will abide with the State statutes on this subject.

Will informed the board that we will need to approve another Hazard Mitigation resolution. The resolution is the same as the previous. Will made a motion to approve the resolution as presented.  Second by Bob.  Motion carried.

Spring Clean Up Day will be on May 13th from 8am to 2 pm. The Boy Scouts will be helping. The village will not be accepting any TV’s or electronics.

Rob requested clarification on who is responsible for the storm siren. The village paid for the siren then turned it over the Fire Department for operation of it. The village will maintain the siren but the Fire Department is responsible for setting off for storms as needed.  Larry will inform the fire District at their next meeting.


Motion to adjourn at 7:50 by Bob

Second by Larry.  Motion carried

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk


March 6, 2017


January 3, 2017