December 5, 2022
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Mat
Members answering roll call, President Diehl, Bob Asche, Bob Knoup, Mike Tichler, Kirk Knoup, Dave Dixon, Tim Martens, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the November meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent, by Dave. Second by Bob A. Motion Carried.
Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented. Motion second by Bob K. Motion carried.
Bob K made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Kirk. Motion carried.
No transfer of funds needed
Maintenance Report
PC Softball Coach JC Ensor was present to the annual fundraiser for the girl’s team. The event will take place on February 25, 2023 at the Fire Station. They will have a live auction, media trivia and food catered by Rt 20 Bar and Grill. Cost for ticket including meal is $45 per plate. This also includes your first hour of cocktails. JC is requesting approval for Little John’s Tap to serve the liquor for the evening. Motion was made by Bob A to approve the Special Use Liquor Permit for Little John’s Tap for the fundraiser on February 25, 2022 from 5pm to 11:59pm. Motion second by Tim. Motion carried.
Derek from Fehr Graham was present to give updates to our ongoing projects.
Water Main Looping – Fischer’s are nearly complete with the project. They have upgraded the 4inch main with a 6inch main and will to the final tie-in on Tuesday.
Well #3 – Project is complete and the final payment request has been listed on the bills to be paid. Derek has also provided two copies of the operating manuals.
North Street Repair – It is recommended by Fehr Graham that we now wait until spring to do any repair to the North St/First St intersection. The board agrees with this.
Walgren Road – The plans are still at IDOT and Derek noted they will do a bid let in February or March with construction to begin as soon as weather permits.
Tim presented the Tax Levy to the board with a 5% increase. Tim made a motion to approve the Levy with the 5% increase. Motion second by Bob A. Motion carried with roll call vote as follows: Tim-yes, Dave-yes, Kirk-yes, Mike-yes, Bob K-yes, Bob A-yes. Let the record show 6-yes, 0-no and 0-absent.
No report
No report
Kirk noted that Bonnell Inc has a used leaf vac for $57,000.00. The committee has put that on hold as they feel it is too much for the few weeks that Rob would use it.
No report
We have fewer police hours. Andy has requested a 4 month leave of absence so that he can concentrate on his new position with the County. Fred has had no luck with finding any officers to work part time. Fred was reminded that all officers need to call into the County at the beginning and end of their shifts.
We have had some complaints regarding large trucks parking on the streets. Fred will address this issue and give out copies of the ordinance.
No report
Old Business
The State has requested that we install the No Parking sign at Boco.
Reminder that the Parade of Lights will be held December 10th at 6pm.
New Business
Mat met on the phone with Cenergy, a community solar company. This company has been in business for 15 years and has over 400 projects. The solar company would give residents 20% off their electric bill. They would donate a sum to the village either as a one-time or yearly benefit. The company would like the village to take first steps in speaking with land owners regarding purchase or lease of land options. The board would like them to come to our next meeting as we have too many questions needing answers before any commitment would be made.
The monthly board meeting for January will be held on Tuesday January 3rd due to the holiday.
Motion was made at 7:55 to go into executive session by Dave. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Out of Executive session at 8:20
Motion was made by Dave to increase Rob’s wages by 5% and increase the part-time maintenance to $16.00 per hour for snow removal and mowing when needed. Motion second by Mike. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn at 8:30 by Dave. Second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk