December 5, 2011
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Mat Diehl, Rusty Liebenstein, Jim Westaby, Bill Eaton, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville, and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the November meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bill.
Second by Mat.
Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented.
Second by Rusty.
Motion carried.
Motion was made by the committee to transfer $5,000.00 from Sales tax account to the general account. Motion second by Rusty.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.
Second by Bill.
Motion carried.
Financial Report
Mat presented the board members with the Tax Levy. After no discussion the committee made a motion to approve the Tax Levy as presented. Motion second by Jim. Roll call vote as follows: Rusty-yes, Mat-yes, Jim-yes, Dave-yes, Bill-yes, Larry-yes. Let the record show 6-yes, 0-no and 0-absent.
Motion was made by Mat to have the part-time maintenance man called first for snow removal and to use Charlie Boop on an as needed basis. Motion second by Bill. Motion carried with 5-yes and 1-no.
The Boy Scout troop was present for the meeting to earn their Citizenship badge.
Adam (Fehr-Graham) was present to give updates on the Waste Water Facility project. He noted that they have submitted the Facility Plan. This will need to be reviewed and accepted. Fehr-Graham would like to get the surveying done before it snows. The projected cost for surveying is $7,000.00.
They are still looking at the income survey and need another 49 low-income surveys to qualify. The income survey would be approximately $350,000.00 of the $800,000.00 needed for the project.
Are other option is the state revolving loan at 2½% with a 25% off for loan forgiveness.
Dave made a motion to allow Fehr-Graham to continue with the surveying. Motion second by Rusty. Motion carried.
Adam also spoke on the Buy-Out program. Total cost is estimated at 2.7 million with the Village needing to find matching funds of $675,234.00.
Discussion turned to the loss of tax funds and how it will affect the entire Village and others who depend on the tax income. The board would like to get numbers on how much of the tax base would be lost and a mapping of the amount of property that would become green space.
This is only the pre-application, if approved there is much more paperwork to be completed. The pre-application should put pressure on the Corp of Engineers to do the survey and assess the flooding.
Dave made a motion to approve the pre-application and to allow Fehr-Graham to submit it to FEMA with the exclusion of the Carol Strohecker property. (No first floor water) Motion second by Bill. Motion carried.
Maintenance Report
Streets & Alleys
The salt is in and vehicles are ready for winter snow removal.
No report
The committee submitted a modification to the Ordinance book regarding the Memorial trees. Beginning January 1, 2012 Memorial trees will not be replaced unless the cost is covered by the individual. Motion was made by Bill to approve the Ordinance to include the statement for the Memorial trees. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried.
The committee will be purchasing a new John Deere tractor mower with 54 inch deck for $8,700.00.
The committee had two sealed truck bid. Barkau Auto and the school. The bid was awarded to the school.
No report
Old Business
Information was received on the Energy Program which would allow the Village to purchase electric for the residents. Exelon Energy was to present this information to the board members and did not show for the November or December meeting. The board will not make further discussion until a representative attends a board meeting for review of the program.
New Business
We have received a Business Revitalization for MK Rentals for cost renovations of $2,478.00 for 10% of the exterior cost update. The TIF lawyers say rentals do not qualify for reimbursement unless approved by the board. Motion was made by Dave to approve the exterior cost of renovations by MK Rentals. Motion second by Rusty. Roll call as follows: Larry-yes, Bill-yes, Jim-no, Rusty-yes, Mat-no, Dave-yes. Let the record show 4-yes and 2-no.
Motion was made by Jim to renew the Business Revitalization Grant as is. Motion second by Bill. Motion carried.
Our next meeting will be held Tuesday January 3rd due to the Holiday.
Motion to adjourn at 8:45 pm by Rusty.
Second by Bill.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk